Chapter 21

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The journey to Ingrassia went smoothly.

The things went well for the mere three days it took to reach the capital of Ingrassia.

Thanks to my guild papers, I didn't have to care about any lines. Good thing, too. If I didn't have them, I'd be waiting in line longer than I did for the dwarves.

My only complaint would be:

"Whoa, whoa, you're an adventurer, lady? This isn't some kind of joke you're playing on us, is it?"

Yea, I currently looked like a 17 year old teen.

"I'm not a lady, thanks. Just check the papers."

"Heh. Guess you're about the age when you wanna act all grown-up, huh?"

The griping continued as they ran the papers through some kind of magical device. Then their attitude changed for good.

"Oh, my apologies! Sir Rimuru, adventurer rank B! Welcome to the Kingdom of Ingrassia!!"

Well, that was easy.

I wasn't angry in particular, but getting the "lady" treatment touched a sore spot for me. Even though I have lived nearly half of my previous life's as a women.

Once we made our initial rounds, we looked for an inn to spend the night.

We set out the next morning for the Free Guild headquarters.

The HQ building was a large, grand, modern-looking structure, a far cry from the medieval norm. 

Stepping inside, we felt several pairs of eyes upon us. They all appeared fairly high-level at a glance. It was only natural that the HQ would be full of the best people they've got.

"Welcome! How can I help you today?" said a woman stationed by the reception.

"Yeah, we're here to see the grand master. Here's our letter of introduction."

"Certainly. Please give me one moment while we confirm."

After a few minutes of waiting and listening to the banters of the nearby adventurers which contained comments like 

"Who is that?" 

"It's not a face I know. A newcomer? Do you know?"

"No, I don't know anyone that beautiful."

"That face is almost like a cheat."

"I think I am in love with her."

"Man she is too beautiful"

"I'm touched to actually see a face this gorgeous in person!" but I paid it no attention. after sometime the women from before also returned.

"Thanks for waiting, I was told that only you were allowed in, Sir Rimuru, so if you would follow me, please..."

This sent a jolt of tension across the lobby.

"The grand master's gonna see 'her?!"

"So that letter was real...?"

"Real or not, how often does the grand master give an audience to someone?"

"That's why I'm telling you guys, Sir Rimuru's not some guy off the street!"

Kabal proudly boasted about me to the increasing number of interested audience. I wish he'd stop that; it's embarrassing.

The woman directed me down a deeper hallway before knocking on a certain door. There was no response, but she opened it and went in anyway, inviting me to follow.

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