Chapter 18

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We are standing at the midway point between the capitals of Dwargon and Tempest.

It is about time for Charybdis to appear. I thought

<Master Mjurran is watching over the battlefield>

'isn't she suppose to be the future wife of Youm? '


'I see. So can we use some illusions to show the events that played out last time without being detected'

<That is a very easy task master>

'I knew that I could always rely on you Ciel'

<Fufu you can praise me more master>

I thought that she said something along those lines but I ignored it.

Anyways I brought along 25 people with me.

The group consisted of:

Benimaru, Shion, Soei, Soka and the other four Dragonewts who were under Soei, Hakuro, Ranga, Geld and three other orc generals, Gabiru and three of his strongest subordinates , Apito, Gobuta and four other goblin riders, Shuna and Diablo who refused to leave my side.

In short our strategy is to take care of the megalodons first, then Benimaru would burn Charybdis to ashes.

Zegion had to sit out this fight because with his current control over magic he wouldn't be able to do much against the magic interference.

While I am waiting for Charybdis to arrive I am trying to stop Milim from joining the fight.


Eventually, my Senses picked up a group of fourteen monsters approaching us.

Those were Giant sharks, over sixty feet in length, gracefully swimming across the sky. Bodies protected by solid, stiff dragon scales.

Why does a fish even have dragon scales? brushing aside that thought I again took a look at those massive sharks and the humongous one hundred and fifty feet long gigantic dragon.

The creature indeed worthy of being called a Calamity, exuding a weird, ominous sort of beauty.

Benimaru started to prepare for an One hit KO from the beginning, but it would need a few minutes to prepare a hell flare attack encompassing the radius of nearly 500 ft. On top of that he was deciding to pour nearly half of his total energy into it.

"All right. Let's follow the plan: Break them up and take each one out." I boldly declared.

Heeding my order, they all spread out to their positions along with their teams. which were:

Geld and Gabiru working together along with their underlings.

Hakuro and the Goblin riders.

Shion and Ranga.

The shadow squad, aka Soei and the gang working with Apito.

Each shark was an A plus rank monster so fighting them should provide them with some pretty decent experience.

To sum up, those sharks were offensive and defensive powerhouses, but their speed in battle wasn't that much of a threat. Based on its speed the megalodon wasn't that astonishing of a monster. Of course, a single strike from one could still easily be lethal.

I had my command post set up on a slightly elevated hill, so I could see the action unfold below me.

Geld's and Gabiru's teams were the first ones to initiate the assault. Gelds men themselves ranked a solid A plus one and Gabiru's men were just under the rank of Special A. 

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