Chapter 18

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~Demetri PoV~

Now I know what it like to lose your mate.

"Demetri, stop moping about. Katelyn wouldn't want you to be depressed. Besides how are you gonna find her if you're moping about in your room?" Felix spoke from the door way. A safe distance away from his friend in his current state.

Demetri was the very least like a vicious depressed predator, one that no one wants to be around. Any human or any other supernatural creature best steer clear of him.

"Damn it! Why do you have to be right?" Demetri spoke uncertain if he will ever see Katelyn again.

"Cause I'm your best bud?" Felix spoke grinning.

"Whatever, but your right though. No point in being in here, while I could be out there tracking her down!" No longer depressed but more of confidence that he can and will track his mate down! Where ever she might be!

~Katelyn PoV ~

Washing up on shore, exhausted beyond belief. Katelyn found herself back in her human form.

"Where am I?" Katelyn spoke confused on how she ended up there. All she can remember that she was aimlessly swimming around and then a bright light, then nothing.

"Dear child I transported you here and out of that doomed place" a voice spoke from above me.

A lady in her mid fifties was standing there smiling down at me. Getting up and dusty all the sand of my legs. Ok most of it anyways.

"Who're you?" I asked gotta no who she is and how she got me out of that place.

"I'm Claudia. A witch from the Saphine Coven. I suspect that your mate will be here within two days or less. Come there's lots to explain" Claudia spoke. Motioning me to follow her, to her home.

Arriving at Claudia's home. Which was a nice seaside home with a white picket fence with lots of colourful flowers. The inside was cozy and friendly looking.

'Maybe me and Demetri still have chance In being together. I can't wait to see him again'

One more chapter to go until this fanfic is complete 🎉

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2021 ⏰

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