Chapter 4

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So you all wanted the update, so here it is! Enjoy.

Bella PoV

Urgh can't believe that thing has to come with me and Alice to save MY Edward! Maybe I can ask the the Volturi to Kill Katelyn? After all she is useless and worthless.

"I'm guessing you didn't rent this?" I asked her while looking out the car window.

"I figured you wouldn't be opposed to grand theft auto" Alice said speeding up.

Katelyn PoV

Stolen? Awesome never stole a car before, sweet! Although I could see what in Alice's mind? Yes,no, YESS!!!

As soon as I went into Alice's mind I saw that Edward was gonna show himself to the humans. 'Seriously? He gonna kill himself for Bella even though she not even his true mate... STUPID!'

"What did you see?" Bella asked I tuned myself out and looked at the beautiful scenery. I would have to admit this place is beautiful.

~time skip~

Bella managed to get to Edward in time, which is a relief cause then there be chaos.

As we were walking towards to somewhere no clue where. I felt like I was being stared at, looking for who was staring at me, I locked eyes with a man who is 6 foot 3 with brown hair and red eyes, intensely staring at me.

I smiled at him blushing cause I ain't used to being stared at like that! Facing away from him I continued walking down the corridor until we reached a double door  but  just before the doors opened, I sent the guy a nice sexy image which made him stumble in shock before gaining his posture.

We walked through the double doors which lead to a room that looked very, very nice. Looking around a bit I spotted three people staring at us, who where sitting in chairs that looked like it was for royalty. Yeah this is definatly  a throne room.

Im gonna be evil and leave it here but who do you want Edwards mate to be? Should I create another Oc just for Edward?

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