18 - Honey

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It's Friday, 1:57 am, and Ryujin is still wide awake.

She's supposed to be asleep by now. But the idea of picking up Yeji in the morning, like a real girlfriend, is keeping her excitement up to the highest level. Endorphins flooded her brain and it won't allow her to sleep.

She'd tried everything she can to doze off to dreamland. She's not sure how many times she's been rolling on her bed just to find the most comfortable position that could put her to slumber.

She fell asleep past three in the morning.

Groggy Ryujin woke up at 6:00 am and saw a message from Yeji.

"Good morning! Let me know when you're on your way. I'll be waiting for you outside my gate :)"

Ryujin grinned in excitement.


After work, the pair quickly stopped by Chaeryeong's place to get the flowers they'd reserved the other day. They drove straight to their destination, enjoying the view on the way, talking about random stuff, and occasionally teasing each other.

When they arrived, Ryujin saw Soobin and Heejin waiting in the parking lot outside their car. Soobin signaled Ryujin to park beside them.

After parking the car in place, Ryujin didn't realize that she was staring at Heejin from the inside of her car. Heejin's presence still gives her uneasy feelings.

"Hey." Yeji squeezed Ryujin's hand on the gearshift. "We will enjoy this trip, okay?"

Ryujin's heart melted at that. "We surely will. Come on."

"Hi, guys," greeted Yeji when she stepped out of the car.

Soobin welcomed her with a quick hug. "Hello, Yeji! I'm glad you two got here safely."

Heejin came close for a cheek kiss. "I so happy you could make it."

"Hey there." Ryujin closed the door on her side. She handed Heejin the bouquet. "This is for the celebrant. Happy birthday, heeki."

"Happy birthday, Heejin." Yeji linked arms with Ryujin.

Heejin accepted the flowers happily. "These are beautiful! You shouldn't have bothered yourselves. Thank you."

"You're welcome," Yeji and Ryujin said in unison.

"By the way, Ryujin, is it just me or you looked kind of tired?" asked Soobin.

"Traffic was terrible." Ryujin sighed.

"But were you able to get some sleep last night? Your eyes are dark," said Heejin.

"I slept early, but I woke up early too. I had to pick up this baby from her house this morning." Ryujin patted Yeji's head.

Yeji wrapped her arms around Ryujin's waist. "Awe. My honey is tired because of me."

It wasn't obvious but Ryujin was caught off-guard. "It's okay. As if I have a choice. You'd be mad if I didn't pick you up, right?"

"Of course! That's your responsibility to me."

Ryujin laughed, amazed at Yeji's acting. "I know. I'm not complaining."

Yeji hooked her chin on Ryujin's shoulder, tightening her hug. "I'll give you a massage later, what do you say?"

"Okay. Okay. You better get a room now, you two cupcakes." Soobin handed them the keycards to their room. "We hope you'll like the rooms we picked for you."

"Thanks, Soobin. And I think we will," said Ryujin.

"Our room is just across yours," said Heejin.

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