23 - Truth

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Ever felt like dying to know about something but too afraid to ask because the answer might be the opposite of what you want to hear?

Yeji felt like a bullet hit her and dug a hole in her chest. Her worst fears had come true.

"I did, Yeji. And I still do."

Yeji stared blankly at Heejin as the words continuously reverberated in her head.

What would happen to her now if Heejin wants Ryujin back? Does she have the right to say no?

"She's my first love," Heejin continued, eyes at the floor. "But she was dumb not to recognize it."

It took Yeji a few more seconds before she even thought of saying something.

"Was that... was that the reason you left...?"

"Mmm... Partly, yes." Heejin nodded. "I don't see hope in us. I don't even think she feels the same way for me. So, when the opportunity for my dream career came knocking at my door I took it right away, without hesitation."

"But... but she... she loved you..." Yeji found it hard to say those words.

"She could have, but I'm not sure." Heejin shrugged. "She cared for me--yes--but I know it was never like what I felt for her. And when you came into the picture, I saw the proof that I was right."

Yeji was surprised to hear that. "What do you mean?"

Heejin smiled. "Ryujin never looked at me the way she looks at you, Yeji."

Yeji froze. She's wondering how in the world Heejin can see such things when they are only pretending.

"Which reminds me I should apologize for my behavior towards you," said Heejin. "I know I've offended you. I'm so sorry." She looked away. "My pride just can't accept the fact that Ryujin took the courage to be with you when you've only known each other for months. I've been with her for four years and she never did that."

Yeji felt the guilt creeping up inside her knowing she and Ryujin are only pretending.

"She loves you, Yeji. I can see it in her," said Heejin. "And believe me or not, I am in love with Soobin. It's just that there's still a part in me that wanted to settle something with Ryujin."

Yeji felt nervous at that.

"I wanted to talk to her that's why I invited you guys here," admitted Heejin. "I should have done this earlier but I can't find time for it." She takes in a deep breath. "But since we're here now and talking, I'd like to ask for your permission, Yeji."

Yeji's nervous now more than ever.

"Soobin will have a photoshoot tomorrow morning until noon," continued Heejin. "I think that's the perfect time for Ryujin and me to talk. Only if you'll allow it."

Yeji took a deep breath.

"Don't worry. I won't try anything to snatch her from you." Heejin chuckled. "Ryujin loves you. But I can see she's troubled as much as I am. I think it's about time we settle things up for ourselves."

Yeji glanced at Ryujin. She knows that she has no right to hinder this talk. In fact, this is the main reason they went there.

"Okay. I'll leave you two alone tomorrow."

Heejin let out a warm smile. She approached Yeji and bent over for a hug.

"Thanks, Yeji. Thank you."

Yeji felt Heejin's eagerness to have this talk. She rubbed Heejin's back with a hand to acknowledge her sincerity.

It's all up to Ryujin now.

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