46 - Tears

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It was the night of the party.

Yuna, who looked exquisitely handsome in her suit, drove Yeji and Lia to the grand ball. Yeji wore a simple black off-shoulder dress while Lia wore something extravagant, a full-skirted red cocktail gown curving the shape of her body.

Felix brought his boyfriend along while Yeri and Taeyong, who are almost done with their internship, came in together too.

Ryujin and Chaeryeong came in together too. Although limping a bit, Ryujin can walk now without a crutch.

Chaeryeong is wearing an elegant green dress while Ryujin wears simple smart casual attire: black slacks, v-neck shirt inside, and a gray wool coat. They went first to greet Yeji's team, where a little punching battle happened between Ryujin and Yuna, then they went straight to sit at the graphics team table.

Yeji watched Ryujin and Chaeryeong as they walk away from them, determined to do one thing tonight.


Yeji's mood is ruined but this certain couple from the other table.

She's trying to stay calm by pretending to be happy, talking to her team. But she can't stop herself from looking at the Graphics Team's table and see 'them' happy and sort of sweet.

The feeling Yeji thought would go away lingered instead, and it went worse as the night passes by. It's like a poison that slowly builds up in her chest, gradually getting heavier, making her feel like she just wants to explode.

"Hey. You sure you're all right?" Lia asked her for the third time that night.

"Yeah. I'm just not feeling quite well, maybe getting a fever or something," said Yeji.

Lia checked Yeji's forehead with a hand. "Do you want to go home now? I could ask Yuna to drive you."

"No. I'm fine. Let's just enjoy tonight."

Out of the blue, a burst of loud laughter from the Graphics Team caught some attention. Yeji couldn't control herself from looking again, only to see Chaeryeong laughing with the entire team, one hand on Ryujin's thigh.

Yeji quickly averted her gaze and sighed.

"Are they together yet?" asked Lia, looking at the same table.

"I don't know." Yeji shrugged. She sliced the chocolate cake on her plate and took a bite. "Maybe Yuna knows something?"

"Uh. No." Yuna made an 'x' sign with her arms. "Ryujin isn't the type of friend who shares things like this."

"But I thought you were the best buddies?" asked Lia.

"Yes, we are. But Ryujin isn't a fan of confiding about girls unless she's having a problem. Unless there's no issue yet, I don't think she will share details about her thing with that Chaeryeong."

Yeji bit the inside of her cheek, thinking if Yuna already knows what happened between her and Ryujin.

"I could ask her straight if you two are curious," said Yuna.

"Let's just assume that they are together," said Yeji, not wanting to hear more about them. "Even if they aren't official yet, it's obvious now that's where they'll head, right?"

"Maybe," said Lia, glancing one more time at the other table. "But I thought Ryujin is in love with another girl?"

Yeji and Yuna looked at each other quickly.

"Uh. That. I don't know what happened to them." Yuna scratched her head. "The last time we talked about that girl was before the Ryujin's accident."

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