49 - Couch

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Yeji was drying her hair in front of the mirror when she noticed the reflection of a door from behind. It is the same room with hanging pictures before.

Curious, she went in, only to be surprised. Because even though nothing has changed in Ryujin's apartment, a lot has changed in this room.

All the pictures have been rearranged. There are also additional pictures from Ryujin's Haeundae and Bali trip. But above all that, what caught Yeji's attention is the new picture frame in the center. It wasn't Heejin's anymore. Heejin's frame is now on the side. This time the picture is of a woman--although not looking at the camera--that has a heart-melting smile drawn on her face. The shot was taken in a beach-like background.


Yeji turned around and saw Ryujin already peeking from the door.

"Oh, um. The, uh, food is ready..." said Ryujin, looking embarrassed.

"What's this, Ryujin?"

"Umm, a picture... of you...?"

"And why do you have a picture of me hanging in here?"

Getting more embarrassed at the situation, Ryujin hugged Yeji from behind around her waist and kissed the side of her head.

"Don't I have the right to put my girlfriend's picture in my room?"

Yeji smiled as she looks back at her picture. "Since when was this displayed here?"

"Right after the Haeundae trip."


"Yeah. I can't resist putting that picture there. It is a perfect shot. I always love seeing your sweet smile. Always."

"And you always give me another reason to fall for you even more, huh?" Yeji turned to Ryujin.

"Of course. Making you fall out of love is the last thing I have in mind. I just hope there won't be a need for me to change that picture again anymore."

Yeji cupped Ryujin's face. "Don't worry, you won't."


After dinner (which was not boiled eggs), the couple settled on the couch to watch a romantic comedy film. Yeji is sitting upright with Ryujin's head comfortably resting on her lap.


Ryujin woke up after Yeji jiggled her. "W-what?"

"Are you seriously going to sleep on me?"

"No, I'm not, I just--" Ryujin sat up. "Oh, I'm sorry. I was too tired. Plus, your hand on my head is very relaxing."

"If I'd known you're just going to sleep early, I should have gone home instead." Yeji pouted.

Ryujin wrapped an arm around Yeji. "No. I'm not going to sleep yet. We will stay up late watching movies, right?"

"Admit it. You just don't like the movie I picked."

"I-it's not that I don't like it," Ryujin reasoned out. "I was having a terrible headache earlier. I guess I felt relieved after you massaged my head."

Yeji twitched her mouth in annoyance. "Are you feeling okay now?" she asked, bringing the back of her hand on Ryujin's forehead.

"Yeah. The power nap did the trick, and your massage."

"That's a relief." Yeji dropped her hand, causing her big shirt to get pulled down low on one side.

"Oh. Sexy, huh..." said Ryujin, looking at her girlfriend's exposed shoulder and collarbone.

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