36 - Surprise

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Tuesday – February 13th.

"What's cooking?"

"Oh. You're home," said Yeji, turning to her mom who's standing by the door. "I bought a roasted chicken for dinner. Would you like to eat now?"

"Maybe a little later after I change." The older lady stretched her neck out in an attempt to see what's keeping her daughter busy. "What are you preparing?"

"Just umm... a little something for my team."

"Homemade chocolates?" her mom asked after getting a glimpse of the ingredients. "For your team, you said?"

Yeji nodded. "Yeah."

"Valentine's present?"

"Yeah, something like that." Yeji grabbed a bowl and started stirring a mixture into it. "I want to give them something special."

The older woman hummed. "I'm surprised that this is the first time you did that."

"It's for a change, mom. I need to treat them once in a while."

Yeji's mom leaned on the door frame and folded her arms across her chest. "Seriously. Just tell me who the lucky guy is."

"Mom!" Yeji turned away to hide her blushing face. "There's no guy, okay?"

"Whatever." Her mom chuckled. "I just hope your team will love that."

Yeji just smiled to herself. Yep, she's hoping Ryujin will love it.


Wednesday – February 14th.

There were flowers on the table already waiting for her when Yeji came into the office. Some of them were from unknown admirers while some have names on them.

Of course, she always feels flattered receiving those. But it's not enough to win her. Truth is, she's wondering what could even win her.

Not too long the interns came in with Yeri holding a bouquet in her hands. Yeji met eyes with Taeyong who looked at him with a coy smile.

Felix came in shortly and handed all the females in their team a long-stemmed red rose. He cringed in disgust when Yeji joked he's the one she's been waiting for. It was a fun day because everyone was in the mood to give love. However, Yeji can't keep her eyes away from the graphics department area from time to time.

Just one more day to go. One more day. Everything will be okay again tomorrow.


Yeji is reading an article when the reception guard placed a box on her table.

"What's that?" she asked, looking up at him.

"For you." The guard tapped the top of the box.

"For me? From who?"

"I don't know." He looked at the papers in his hands. "A man delivered it just now. It says here it's from Honey..."

Yeji's eyes widened.

"Honey?" Felix stood up from his chair. "Who's Honey, Yeji?"

Yeji shrugged. "I... I don't know."

The guard tapped the box one last time. "I'll leave it here, all right?"

Yeji nodded and said her thanks before he left. That's when the confusion started creeping up inside her as she stared at the mysterious box.

It will be a lie if she would say she has no idea who the sender is. So far, she had used that endearment to one person only.

Hershe (Ryeji ver.)Where stories live. Discover now