26 - Hangover

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Yeji woke up in high spirits the next day, welcoming the rainy morning cheerfully. After their fun dinner and late conversation last night, she can't help but smile to herself at the idea that she will see Ryujin again soon.

She checked the list of her online friends when she got in the office. She was glad to see Ryujin's already in but has been idle for seven minutes.

She went to the ladies' room first to check herself. She went back to her station and grabbed her tumbler for her morning tea.

As she was nearing the pantry, she heard Ryujin and Lia's laughter coming from the inside. She pushed the door and got a glimpse of the two sitting at the table.

"Good morning, Yeji!" Lia waved.

"Morning." Yeji smiled.

Ryujin turned to look. "Good morning."

"Hi, Ryujin." Yeji smiled but totally avoided meeting Ryujin's eyes. She walked directly to the vending machine and pressed the tea button. "What are you two doing here? And Lia, you're early, huh?"

"Ryujin and I are having breakfast," said Lia. "And as for your next question, well, somebody picked me up and drove me here this morning."

"Somebody?" Yeji raised an eyebrow. She grabbed her tumbler and approached the table. "Is that person the reason for your undeniably cheery aura today?"

Lia giggled.

"Should we call that somebody Yuna?" said Ryujin.

"Eeeee. Ryujin!" Lia hit Ryujin's arm playfully. "Since when you two are on the same team? You two are ganging up on me."

"We are not. " Yeji sat down beside Ryujin. "It's pretty obvious. It's not like I never had an idea about it."

Lia reached for Yeji's hand on the table. "Sorry for not telling you. I was afraid you will disapprove it."

"It's all right, Lia. I'm happy for you," said Yeji. "I think it's time for you to be in a serious relationship now."

"Really?" Lia squeezed Yeji's hand. "Wow. This is amazing. I thought you don't approve such things?"

"As long as she makes you happy, I'm all good with it." Yeji gave the sincerest smile she could before she turning to Ryujin. "What are you eating?"

"Chicken fillet," said Ryujin, pointing at her meal. "I bought it from a newly opened restaurant near my place. Want a bite?"

"I'm glad you're eating some real breakfast today, huh?" Yeji pulled her chair to lean closer. She grabbed Ryujin's fork to plant it into one of the chicken strips.

Ryujin pulled her body away from the table to give room for Yeji. "Yeah, I don't want boss getting mad at me, y'know."

Yeji chuckled as she took a bite of the chicken. "Mmm. This is nice."

"Is that boss your girlfriend, Ryujin?" asked Lia. Yeji choked a bit.

"Ahh. No. She is a good friend of mine."

"She was the one who requested for you to get a haircut, right?"

"Yup, the same person."

Lia folded her arms on the table. "A special friend of yours, perhaps?"

"Yeah, you could say that."

"Is she pretty?"

"Uh... yes..."

Yeji continued munching Ryujin's food. Pretending not to hear whatever the two are talking about.

"Are you sure you're only friends? Why do I have a feeling that you like that friend of yours?" said Lia.

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