Chapter Forty-three

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"Maturity is not when we start speaking BIG things. It is when we start understanding small things."

I said good-bye to my aunt and uncle about an hour ago. It was thrilling driving past the corroding Deansville sign with my belongings packed tight and my music playlist beginning to play.

When Henry got home after I told Sill about wanting to move out, he came to my room to talk. I told him I wanted to move, how I think working at the Animal Care shop isn't something for me to do anymore, and all the information that Amy told me. I was surprised when he nodded his head, kissed my forehead, and told me he would talk to Sill.

That talk Henry had with Sill must have changed her mind because Sill, later on in the day, came into my room with a smile that didn't reach her eyes. I was ecstatic to hear her tell me 'okay'. I started to pack everything that I could.

And here I am, driving behind Amy's car in the city area. There's more than one lane, and street lights and buildings are everywhere. Amy turns into a big apartment complex. The apartments are made out of brick and seem to all be three levels high.

"Wow." I mumble to myself.

There's a lake with water spraying out in the middle in front of a small one story building. I'm guessing that's where office and spare computers are at. I drive behind Amy until she parks in a parking space.

"This is where we'll get the keys and paper work." Amy tells me after I get out of my car.

Moving back-and-forth on the balls of her feet, Amy has on a bright that I don't see disappearing anytime soon. We walk together to the building. There are white couches, fake plants, and soft music playing from one of the speakers that's in the corner of the room.

A good looking lady walks out of one the rooms with a warm smile on her face. Her blonde hair is wrapped on a loose bun, and the professional outfit she has on hugs her skinny body.

"Hi, welcome to the Trainer. May I help you with anything?" She asks.

I glance at Amy, hoping she'll be the one doing all the talking. Thankfully, she is. Amy tells the lady her name and how she would like her two keys. The lady's name turns out to be Rose.

Rose hands Amy the two, golden keys after she tells us some of the options the apartment complex offers. Trainer Complex has small gym that is actually inside the office building. One of the rooms in the building has two computers that you have to pay money to use, and the laundry room is beside the gym. The 3ft-6ft deep pool is behind the building. I also got a pool pass.

"Okay," Amy announces as she attaches her key and pool pass to her keychain. "I am about to scream from excitement, but I'm trying to keep it inside."

I laugh out loud while leaning against my car. "Amy, just tell me the building number so I can unpack."

"Building 37 and door 202." She says, her smile not wiping away from her face.

Now knowing the building number, I get in my car and slowly drive by all the other apartment buildings. A wide smile grows on my face when I park my car in front of my new home. I can't believe this is actually happening!

The cold key chills my hand as I climb up the stairs to the second level. I find the correct number to the door before Amy does. I shove the key into the lock and turn it to the left. Hearing a click, I cautiously open the door, not knowing what to expect.

Everything is bare. The walls are painted a soft cream color, and there isn't a single furniture set. All of the rooms seem big, but once some furniture is placed around then it'll probably begin to feel smaller.

UnconditionallyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora