Chapter Thirty-three

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"You're crazy. And that's why I love you."

Haze spends the night over at my place on Thursday to help me pack. It seems as if every time we go on a trip, Haze is always by my side to help me. Her suitcase is leaning against my bedroom wall beside my desk while mine is on my bed opened.

"Since you never had the time to go shopping with me for bathing suits," Haze begins from sitting on the floor as she folds some towels for me. "I brought some of my own just for you."

Rolling my eyes, I lift the small pile of shorts into my suit case. Haze doesn't know this, but I actually did have the time to go shopping. I just didn't want to. After I would finish work, I'd go to Ashton's. Simple as that. I look over my shoulder at Haze to see she has stopped folding the towels and is now lifting up different bottoms and tops of bikinis.

"Why don't you even by a one piece?" I ask her.

"Because your tan will look weird with a one piece." She says as she sorts through the swim wear.

Sometimes having your best friend being in the make-up and fashion industry has its perks, especially when you think an outfit looks good on you, but in all actuality it doesn't. This moment isn't one of the perks.

I turn around to look at my best friend with out making a knot in my neck. "But Haze-"

"Nope, MC. No buts. You have a body so you shouldn't be embarrassed to show it off."

For the second time in a span of two minutes, I roll my eyes. I go back to the clothes beside my suitcase that need to be folded. I already have my shorts, pajamas, shoes, and under garments packed. I just need my shirts, towels, bathing suits, and bathroom stuff packed to have my suitcase officially ready.

"Have you decided on anything else we'll do down in Florida?" I ask Haze.

"A few things."

That means those few things will be something new for me.

"That's being specific." I hear Haze laugh and seconds later she's beside me, placing bikinis next to my pajamas.

"It's a surprise, Mackenzie. I can't tell you every single thing that we're going to do for the rest of the week." Says Haze.

"Why not?"

Haze sends me a dramatic glare as she puts one of my shirts in my suitcase. "Stop being impatient. You'll find out tomorrow."

I groan and set the rest of my folded shirts into the suitcase before heading to my bathroom to gather up the products.


The alarm from my phone blares right beside my ear. I jump up from shock, but quickly breathe a sigh of relief when I realize it's only my alarm. I grab my phone and hit the OK button so it can shut up. It's still dark out, and the thought of going back to bed is tempting, but I can't since Ashton and Carter will be picking us up in thirty minutes.

I hit Haze in her back with my foot to wake her up. She groans and covers her head with my comforter blanket that she's hogging.

"Haze, we need to wake up. Ashton and Carter will be here soon." I mumble.

Haze doesn't respond. I hit her again, this time harder.

"The fuck, Mackenzie!"

"Wake up, we need to get ready."

I get out of my bed and head over to my bathroom to freshen up. I quickly brush my teeth with the spare toothbrush and toothpaste that I have in my cabinet sink. I then put a comb through my hair before parting a large chunk of my blonde hair to the right. Looking at my reflection, I sneer my nose and decide to splash some water on my face to awaken me some more. As I pat my face dry, I begin to feel somewhat more awake and ready for the long fifteen hour drive ahead of me.

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