Chapter Thirteen

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"Keep your head held high, and your middle finger higher."

We stayed in Tennessee for a good three days. Haze and I visited some stores while Carter and Ashton did whatever guys do. We went to a few bars and listened to the singers. Some of them were actually pretty good, but then the others weren't. I had to cover my ears a few times when their voice either got too high, or their southern twang was too much for me to handle.

The three days that we spent in Tennessee were mostly chill days. We didn't really do anything extravagant. But for the next four days, we're going to go out with a bang.

At five o'clock, Haze and I wake up in our motel room and pack everything up. While Haze showers, I fold my clothes and put them in my bag, grab the bedding and put it outside of our door, and eat a pop tart. When you're traveling, you can't always eat out.

Haze comes out of the bathroom wearing white shorts and a black crop top with her hair wet and combed. She smiles at me, and I smile back. Despite having to drive for half the day, I can't help but be excited. Texas will be the state that we visit.

I check the time on my phone to see I only have about twenty minutes to shower. I rush to the bathroom and take care of my business before showering as fast as I can. The motel that we've been staying in the past few days has been the best one yet. There aren't any stains, the bathroom is actually clean with warm water, and the receptionist was a girl not a creepy old guy. And it's cheap, so that's a plus.

With my hair washed, and my body cleaned and shaven, I change quickly into my clothes before grabbing my bag and rushing to the check-out. Carter, Haze, and Ashton wait for me at the door. When I walk up to them, I bite my lip in distress. I may have taken a long shower.

"Look," I say to them with my hands lifted in a surrender position. "I had to take a shower. You guys can't go anywhere anyway since I have the keys, and I'm driving." I say with a smirk on my face.

"Guess you didn't have time to brush your hair?" Carter asks me.

I lift the ends of my long, blonde hair and inspect it. It's already beginning to curl. I shrug my shoulders. "I used to care, but now I don't see the point." Carter laughs and lifts his bag so he can put it in the trunk of the Jeep.


I roll my eyes. Haze hits the back his head. "You ass! Go put the bags in the trunk!" Exclaims Haze. Carter laughs and lifts her bag also before heading to the Jeep. I pick up my bag that I set on the floor and look at Ashton.

"Ready for half of your day to be wasted by being in a vehicle?" I ask him.

"I've got you to keep me entertained."

I sneer my nose and shove my bag in the trunk outside. Everyone has concluded that I am the worst person to travel with. We all thought I would get used to it, or they would be able to ignore me the whole time. Nope. None of that happens. For the first few hours I'm perfectly fine! I look outside the window, play games on my phone, count how many Cook Outs we pass, talk to Ashton, etcetera. Then after two hours, I can't handle being cooped up in my seat.

I don't understand how people can love these road trips. Like, I understand visiting the new places and people, but that's it. Nothing else.

I guess I can also understand that I'm entertaining. With the different positions that I'm always in, my moaning and groaning about being hungry, and how cranky I get since I'm not able to sleep. For other people, it may be funny. To me, it's a living hell.

Heaving a sigh, I close the driver door and start up the Jeep. Haze sits beside me, and the boys are in the back seats. Before pulling out of my parking space, I check my mirrors and see if any cars are coming. Carter groans.

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