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Unconditionally is officially over!

There will not be a book about Haze or Carter's relationship. Just putting that out there in case any of my silent readers were wondering or hoping. There may be one if I can't figure out any ideas for other books, but that won't be happening any time soon.

This feels like I'm accepting an Oscar award even though I didn't win anything. Anyway, I would like to thank my friends who have supported me during this writing 'journey'. I remember a year ago, writing down the character descriptions of Ashton during one of my classes. I told my friend to read it, and she said she loved it.

Aunt Sill and Uncle Henry is based upon my real aunt and uncle. I love them both to pieces, and they have been a big impact on my life the past two years. My aunt is caring and silly like Sill, and my uncle is overprotective and completely in love with my aunt like Henry.

The summer experiences that Haze, Carter, Mackenzie, and Ashton went on are things I have always wanted to do. A big section of the book is about their road tripping and learning new things.

I'm sad to say good bye to Ashton and Mackenzie. They're my babies, and I literally cried when I finished writing the Epilogue. I'm super emotional so that explains the reason why. Ashton is seriously so charming though! If he, by some magical way, came alive and went to my school? Then I would freak the fuck out!

And lastly, I'm saying thank you to all my readers across the world! Having you read my book makes my heart warm and eyes fill with tears. I never believed Unconditionally would get this far, but it did and I'm extremely grateful.

Hope you enjoyed this book! ;)


p.s.) I'm self-promoting by the way. You should read my other book, Second Chance at Love !

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