Chapter Twenty-nine

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“Winds in the East. . . Mist coming in. Like something is brewing, about to begin. Can’t put my finger on what lies in store. But I feel what’s to happen, all happened before.” –Saving Mr. Banks.


Sophia sets down a tray with orange juice, avocado spread on toast, and a small bowl of watermelon, mango, pineapple, and papaya. I lick my lips as I take in the breakfast. Haze and I sit at the patio table outside with there being a slight breeze in the humid air. The weather isn’t so bad, but the thought of jumping in the pool is tempting.

With Haze watching me, I slowly take a bite of the watermelon just to annoy her. This morning Haze called and texted me, demanding I come over and tell her everything that happened last night. Before I could even go to my car, Sill wanted me to tell her how my date was. I told my aunt, drove to Haze’s place, and now here I am, swallowing the bite of watermelon as my best friend waits impatiently for me.

“Don’t let Haze intimate you, Mackenzie.” Sophia advises as she sits down in the car beside me.

Haze rolls her eyes and cuts her avocado and toast furiously. “I don’t mean to, Madre, but Mackenzie finally has a love life!”

I’m the one who now rolls my eyes.

“Why is my so called ‘love life’ always brought up in conversation,” I ask Haze with my elbows on the glass table. “How come it’s never about you and Carter?”

Sophia nods her head and looks at Haze.

“Yes, how come this?” Sophia asks.

Haze shoots me a lethal glare before she looks at her mom.

“There isn’t anything going on between Carter and me. We’re just friends.” She says.

I take a few more bites out of the fruit. Sophia sips on her own glass of orange juice, and Haze finishes off her toast.

“Also, Carter and I don’t have what you and Ashton do. You guys just click. Deep down you know what’s going to happen when Ashton leaves, Mackenzie.” My eyes widen in shock at Haze’s words. Sophia gives her daughter a motherly look. “Haze, watch what you say.”

“And I’m proud of you for that. You guys don’t care that your relationship may end when he leaves. You don’t ponder on the future; you live in the present. I can’t do that. Carter isn’t the settling down kinda’ guy like Ashton is.”

I don’t know what to say back. Not only am I changing as the summer flies by, but I beginning to see the changes in my best friend, too.

It’s silent after what Haze has said. I finish off my fruit bowl and half of my orange juice.

“How was your date?” Sophia asks.

I smile in disbelief. “It was unbelievable. He took me to the city, and we ate dinner at this restaurant with fireplaces and chandeliers. After we ate, we drove around the city with the bright lights.”

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