Chapter one

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You wake up in strange new room, you remembered that your brother and his family moved as they brought you with them. After remembering some-other things, you look over and saw Rose, your niece, who was awake and smiling. You always tell her, that you would die for her no matter what the cost was.

"Hey poopie pants, how are you today?" You giggled as you lifted her up onto your hip.
She giggles as she nibbles on your face, and then you hear the door opening. You turn around and saw it was Mia.

"I thought I heard little giggles..." Mia said as she walks over to you both, "How did you sleep Y/n?" She asked

"Pretty good...and you?" You asked, as Rose giggles in your arms.

"I slept pretty good...minus me and Ethan fighting again, oh well." Mia said to you.

Next, she stares and smiles at Rose and then at you. Both of you looked at each others eyes as you felt very comfortable being with couldn't figure it out as your heart beating fast. A smiled formed on your face as you felt warm inside.


Mia and you both snapped out of the moment as she rolls her eyes. You chuckled as you carried Rose downstairs as Mia followed behind.
You saw your brother coming from the kitchen.

"Hey guys..." Ethan said as he open a beer, you stop as he had two beers with him.

"Ethan again?" Mia shakes her head and pinch the bridge of her nose.

He didn't care as he saw Rose on your hip, Rose said dada as she wanted him to hold her. But Mia puts her arm out infront of you, she was already angry from last nights conversation with him.

"You put out those away or your not holding you understand, Ethan?" Mia sound cold and stood there as her arm was still in front of you.

Ethan rolled his eyes as takes one sip and puts them back into the fridge. Mia nods as she watches you and Rose very carefully, you handed Ethan his daughter as you went to the living room to find a book.

After looking at so many shelves, you found one book that Mia bought just two days ago called the Village of the Shadows. Then, you heard Mia and Ethan fighting again about something.

"We moved here so that she and Y/n wouldn't have to deal with that, remember?" Ethan said.

"There's nothing wrong with my memory!" Mia snap back with harsh tone in her voice, "You're just being paranoid." She sound sweet real quick.

"It's not—never mind, I'm sorry.." He sound soft, "But I'm not paranoid. I'm just cautious." He added.

You didn't like eavesdropping peoples conversations, but it was hard hearing your brother fighting with his wife about the incident back home.

"Whatever..." Mia said as it was quite for a moment.

You came in with the book in your hand, Ethan turns around and smiles at you. Rose was making baby noises as you chuckled at her, then Ethan hands you Rose as he needed to use the bathroom.

Shortly after he left, your heart was racing again while Mia was cooking food. You now see how beautiful Mia is as the light hits her...those beautiful, those beautiful blue eyes, which took your breath away when you met her. She was wearing a knitted shawl with khaki pants and slip on shoes as her hair was braided from the right side.

"Are you okay?" You asked, Mia slightly turns her head and shrugs her shoulders.

"'s whatever, seems like he cannot move on after what happened but I'm happy now. Since I have Rose and you..." Mia said, as her and you had that staring moment again, "And of course, Ethan...who's a pain in my ass sometimes, but him..." she was stirring the stew.

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