Chapter eighteen

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~Ten years later~

You, Miranda, and the other lords were setting up Henry's eighteen birthday. Time does fly which shocked you the most on how he, Eva and Rose are very close in age.'

"Guys, the banner needs to be higher on the right side." Miranda tells you and Alcina, you both looked at each other and did what she said.

You grew out your wings and raised the banner high on your side. Alcina walks and helps Donna and Moreau as they both were working the stables. While Karl and the three Dimitrescu girls were hanging out with your kids.

"Can't believe our son is going to be a adult!" You wrapped your arms around Mirandas waist, "Next it's Eva's. Both of them have turned out to be just like us...minus the murdering stuff." You and her both laughed.

"It's crazy, but it is what is it." She tells and kiss you.

As Henry was old enough to handle things, you and Miranda told him the story of his real mother and grandpa. At first he was upset but he later understood, he wished he knew her. But you mentioned to him that his mother and grandpa has always been watching him. As you can see spirits.

"Y/n, he invited some of his friends from school. They're coming tomorrow and then we gotta do it again later in few months with Eva." Miranda chuckles as she goes over her list of the party event.

You were told by him as also invited his girlfriend, which you or him haven't told Miranda that yet. Also, Eva invited her boyfriend too, which Miranda doesn't know either, as Eva's boyfriend was one of Henry's friend's. This is going to be fun.

"Hey Henry is heading here now!" Angie warns, you quickly went into the hallway of the Dimitrescu.

Where you stopped him from coming in. Henry got caught as he heard Angie's giggles.

"Next time I'm going hallucinate Angie..." Henry crosses his arms, "Little Rat!" He chuckles. She giggles from inside the room.

"You know she's part of the hallucination thing with Donna? It's pointless to do it." You tell him as you walk him away from the opera room.

He tells you that he talked to his girlfriend, Irina, who you met before. Henry said that she is ready to met Miranda. Even though she was though in school but she wants to fully get to know her. You nodded as you were hapoy that your son was in love with someone who treats him that same way like he does to people.

"This is going to be a fun show to watch, I can already hear your mother talking about you and Irina." You said, "It's not going it end, specially when Eva introduces her boyfriend to her...oh my goodness." You shook your head.

"Yea I know, but we at enjoy babies anymore, we're growing up. Mom needs to face that." Henry said, "She has to understand, and she will." He added.

You stop as you hear him saying that last line, reminded you of Elena. He's just like her, caring, sweet, intelligent as always looks out for people when they are in-need of help. You raised one hell of a gentleman, you were proud.

~Shortly Time Skips, back at your house~

Eva comes back as she tells you that her boyfriend, Christian, was coming as he was ready to meet Miranda. Your eyes began to twitch as you knew she was coming to say that. Now you officially won't stop hearing Miranda saying that the kids are growing up or they're dating people.

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