Chapter five

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(AN: LONGEST CHAPTER I'VE WRITTEN! So sorry but it was worth it!)

~Two weeks later~

Miranda finally apologized to you, as she told you her life story. And you forgave her and you asked if she could forgive you for hurting her. Which she always forgives you as you were under stress and she doesn't mean to do that.

Then, you began to have feelings for her, which were growing strong by the minute. You liked these feelings as you smiled at her. During the time, you wondered if Ethan was still alive or if he was dead, but you didn't give up on him. But during the time, you needed to focus on Rose's safety.

"Are you ready Y/n?" Miranda asked as she hands you a coat.

"Yea Miranda. Maiden, please watch Rose and sing her the song that I told you if she gets fussy." You said, while handed Rose to the maiden.

The maiden said she remembers as she heads off to play with Rose in the other room. You watched her as you headed outside with Miranda, she was wearing her usual outfit, the black feather dress and her golden bird mask. You both enter the carriage, as the sunlight from the window was hitting Miranda face so perfectly, as she glances at you.

"What?" Miranda softly asked with a smile on her face.

"Well, you look...beautiful. I think you should have your face mask off whenever you have meetings with the lords." You said, "And honestly, you always look beautiful, even if your...some year's older than me. But you're still beautiful." You added as you looked down.

What you didn't know is that, Miranda was blushing hard underneath her mask after that sweet comment you made. It was so sweet that she made a comment to you.

"Well thank you for that comment and you're beautiful too." Miranda said as she looks at you. As she said that, you felt your cheeks warming and heart racing.

You saw her blue eyes...everything around you slowly started to freeze, you wanted to say something else but you were shy as it hid it away.

It was a peaceful ride. As you arrived at the village, some of the villagers saw the moving carriage, as it came to a stop. You got out first and lend out your hand for Miranda. Everyone sees the priestess as they all bowed and moved to the side. There you lead Miranda to Elena's place.

After a short walk, you saw Arthur. He was outside in the yard fixing the plants of his garden. Next, Arthur sees you and glances right over too Mother Miranda.

"Hello Y/n, and Hello Priestess Mother Miranda." He bowed as he took off his hat in respect.

You gave him a hug as he hugged you back, and then you were about to ask if Elena was home but Miranda came and said it.

"I was told that your daughter, Elena, was soon to have a child?" Miranda asked.

"She is and she's going to give them away. Which I am okay with her decision. It's her body and her life, as I her father respect and love her." Arthur said proudly. Then the door opens, it was Elena.

"Y/n? Priestess Mother Miranda?" Elena's eyes widen. A smiled formed on your face as you gave her a hug, but felt jealous of Miranda's eye as you hugged Elena.

"I missed you and I want to talk to you about something important." You pulled away.

She was glad that you were alive and save but she didn't see Ethan with you. You mentioned that you'll tell her later about what happened. All of you went inside, as you and Miranda sat across the table from Elena and Arthur.

"So what's the importance of you both begin here?" Elena asked.

Miranda looks at you and you look back at her, then you took a deep breath and told her the truth.

Forever X Miranda storyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ