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East Kingdom

It was past evening time.'

The sky with beautiful shining stars, below the sky, there was a never-ending desert.

The shining crescent moon; was easily viewed from the ground.

It was shining brighter as it reached its peak. Everything was so perfect amidst nature accompanying a mysterious sound. The enigmatic sound was coming from the dark side of the deserted land.

A soldier was moving towards the path from that voice was coming. A few miles away from him, the sounds of other soldiers can listen. They were scared. Few more soldiers, armed with swords, were moving in that way with overwhelming feet, peacefully. The remaining soldiers pulled out their swords. They were defending their position till a certain distance. Besides them, the wood was burning. The fire in the wood started to flatter. The soldiers were holding that ground like a clockwise defense from every direction. They were ready for the ambush.

Suddenly, that soldier, 5 feet 6 inches, wearing a metal helmet, holding the sword in his left hand, with his tiny limb began to run away from the darkened deserted land. He turned and looked into the dark; the sound kept approaching him faster. His feet were shaking in fear. He checked his surrounding quickly and ducks behind the tree. At last, the sound reached behind him like a silent killer and smashed the tree into two pieces. He fell to the ground; the soldier looked behind him again and saw some shadow figure moving from the area where that mysterious sound was coming.

He got back on his feet as soon as possible.

He left his sword on the ground as it was increasing heaviness and affecting his speed.

He saw the burning wood a few miles away from his position. His will to live got ignited, he started running towards them very fast to save his last living breath. He was breathing vigorously.

'The clothes got ripped.'

His eyes ended up wide in red, as he had seen something shocking.

Somehow he managed to reach the other soldiers and yelled.

His forehead skin was a bit bumpy and looks wet. He was sweating and fainting. The first couple of times, his voice was not coming out.

He was fumbling in fear.

His lips were vibrating in the necessity to say something. It was like he was mumbling. Other soldiers clearly saw the scars on his grasp.

His sleeves were close to completely shredded.

The blood was dripping from it, slowly-slowly.

His body got cold and looked pale. His eyes were close to being close forever. He falls on his knees. Still, he was attempting to say. He took a long deep breath and yelled. Everyone heard just a word in a low voice, 'Run.' His eyes got closed as the fire vanished from the wood.

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A couple of hours Earlier...

The soldier of King Daniel Ridley went out from their Kingdom in the long-deserted land accompanied by a group of knowledgeable people. The soldiers were ordered by their king to guard those special ranked characters known as 'Spects.'

Spects ranked people had a high intelligence rate. They pour deep themselves to uncover new things, to invent, make discoveries, and inspect accidents.

They wore loose clothes to get free movements. They do not care about what others will think about them. When they commence working, they mostly fold their long broad cloths on their hands.

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