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The glowing thing was now in balance. Events like before did not take place in months.

Within a few more weeks, the construction work of the bridge in front of the glowing thing got finished. They formed a new separate sector around nature's beauty. It got linked with King Gilbert's castle. It was highly guarded by soldiers.

The beauty of the castle had grown more. It had become an important place to visit by other kings and people from the outside of the kingdom. In that sector, they had formed a beautiful garden with the help of those people who do not have any effect of glowing things. Flowers, plants were planted inside the garden by making the glowing thing a center point. They were growing faster than those who were planted outside of that sector. They covered the entire sector in few days after they were planted.

The golden glowing thing was surrounded by the greenery and sometimes snowfall takes place inside the wall, that scenery was the most amazing thing. Everyone comes to see those and spend their evening, some from a distance and others from inside of the sector.

A small wall was constructed around the glowing things so that no one could accidentally enter there to prevent any more casualties. They needed to keep their eyes on the balance of golden-black dust as per highly skilled master-level spects.

From King Gilbert's castle, its view was more attractive and amazing as the snow particle was moving up and down. It had become the most beautiful place on the entire planet.

No one had ever seen something like this.

'The magical powers had boosted its beauty in its own ways.'

It was acting as the sun in the middle of the garden, spreading its warm light to the watchers. Sometimes golden dust comes out when the snowfall happens. It was a random thing. Not only the ten Kings, every king from far away, comes to King Gilbert's Kingdom to see the garden. Many more people come to watch that view from far-far away. They spend nights and nights just to see that one time.

Without proper order, entry was banned for the garden; they could not enjoy it from the inside. The rule was made to keep the black smoke in check, which could harm everyone, only a few people could enjoy the pretty view from inside.

Keeping all these in consideration, only some people from King Gilbert's Kingdom, who were able to reach the golden glowing thing comfortably in the investigation; only they could go inside the garden and enjoy its beauty.

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Because of all of this, the respect and honor of all ten kings got raised on another level on the whole planet, and King Gilbert earned a high place in everyone's heart for his kind actions and contribution.

'He was admired by every king of the planet.'

They all got immediately ready for his help whenever he asks. All the kings of the East Kingdom were happy, except King Lowell.

He was feeling very low and his hatred for King Gilbert got increased. He thought, before that, only eight kings used to listen and respect King Gilbert, but he was being praised by every king of the planet. He kept his mouth shut. He was waiting for his moment to strike his blow straight into his heart. He started to think about the idea of the strange person.

'The moment was about to come, and he knew it.'

After a few months, all the kings were living happily. They thought of marriage, so they started marrying one by one. All the nine kings were invited to attend the wedding ceremony along with their loved ones.

kings and the beasts: war of ten kingdoms Where stories live. Discover now