Transformation - 5

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'The battle started.'

The soldiers got ready. All kings took command of separate troops. The dragons came down releasing fire and the soldiers were saving themselves from it by using the shield. King Ebonnywood was taking the chain of commander.

'He was with team lurking, those who have joined the soldiers as spotters. He was giving orders when his team located any incoming dragon from any direction.'

When the dragon's fire came to end, they start using their mouth for picking and chewing. They used their paws to attack and grabbed a few soldiers. They took them and flew in the sky and release them from a certain height. The wounded one was acting as their leader and the rest of them were his followers.

'The strong one has become the leader.'

They were capturing, burning, and chewing the soldiers. They were using all the strength they had on the others. King Snelling and King Arsvoth were with the spear troops. They were using spears by hand and with the machines. When they receive the information of the incoming single, they turn towards them and continued their attack.

King Ebonnywood and King Admant were with the Bow and arrow troop. They were standing on the high ground alongside the spear troop. They were coving each other's 36 to cover incoming from ten directions.

King Ridley and King Lowell were together. They were with the trapped troop. Their troop was covering others' backs. They were planting the trap when they hear the incoming degree. They were trying to capture and hold down them on the ground.

King Leanwood, King Sawyer, King Saliveth, and King Gilbert were on the front line with the sword team. They had to kill the captured beast. They were protecting the injured soldiers.

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The risk got very high. Everyone was working together to go through with it. King Gilbert thought what would have happened if all the ten kings were not there. They did not have the weapons that can kill them in one or two shots. But now they had a chance to survive together. Once they will capture one, they can kill them whatsoever they need to use.

Few soldiers were dead, a few of them got injured, and a few of them got captured and burnt. It was not a heavy loss but still, it was a loss. It could have been more in number. All ten kings were very skilled in battlefield techniques. They knew how to react to the situation and how to hold them together as a team. They knew how to get through the tough situation and when they fight together, they leave everything behind; all the joyously and hate. Their goal becomes one, they knew they had to survive and it is possible with others' support. They trust them and leave them to do their part.

The soldiers were tired of the fighting. They managed to capture one dragon. His fire was quite intense than others. King Sawyer ordered the soldiers to kill that dragon. They tried to pierce the dragon's skin with their swords and spears, but it had not much effect on them. A soldier's sword got inside the dragon's skin by mistake. The dragon released the fire when it hit, they noticed the burnt mark around the area. They informed King Gilbert.

He came up with a plan. He ordered his soldier to drag the dragon around the wall. They used the spears and swords into the ground, X; and tied it with ropes to restrict his movement. They put the dragon's head on that and when the other dragons tried to attack them, they insert the sword again at the same place.

'King Gilbert thought of using dragon against dragon.'

As the other dragons came to attack them, they kept using the same. It was quite useful. His intense fire had burned a few dragons. They started to maintain distance. They successfully killed three dragons with that. When the dragons got burnt, their ability to run away gets decreased and King Lowell's troop throws the net and the other troops attack them and finished them.

kings and the beasts: war of ten kingdoms Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora