New-Born: Age of new Era - 6

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King Gilbert orders his soldiers to gather all the weapons of the Kingdom. They left their weapons at the broken wall in front of the glowing thing. Those who did not have any effect of black smoke, came and took all the weapons one by one and pour them into the pit. The glowing thing releases the golden dust into the pit and in a few minutes, it got transformed.

Now the glowing thing was stable. As they remove the weapons from the pit, they continued changing and shining. After the weapons got modified, the golden shine vanishes.

All kings knew that the glowing thing needs to be in control. It needs to shine in golden; if the golden shine goes off then the planet will be doomed.

Their weapons had become stronger than before. The fear inside them has almost vanished. It was easily capable of slaying any beast of the planet. It was a win-win situation until something else intervenes.

Everything remains in balance. When things seemed going well, they must have to be ready. Evil always is lurking to change the tip. All kings knew that. They had started preparing themselves for the battle that is going to happen in the future. They knew it will happen. They have already got the sign.

'All things, those five Stanger said years ago, were now coming true.'

Their statement seemed to be proved right. Half of the event had occurred. They said the glowing thing was dangerous. They had already told them about dark sources also. The kings agreed to take their next step according to that.

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Within a few months, all the weapons of the east Kingdom were transformed into new. The soldiers started practicing with them. It sparked when collides. They were happy and enjoying those weapons.

'King Gilbert's Kingdom had become the most powerful on the entire Kingdom in a way.'

He had a source that was powerful enough to transform the dragons and weapons. Although he was part of the organization, now he has a source of unimaginable strength. This thing was not liked by a few kings inside the organization. They could not show it openly to them. They put an idea that will do the work.

They feared what if King Gilbert used that power to attack others. What if he finds a way to make their soldiers stronger than other Kingdom? So they proposed, King Gilbert turn his Kingdom into a common ground for all. King Gilbert denied it. They said King Gilbert could take the common ground around the Eagle's eye. King Lowell, King Sawyer, and King Admant supported this suggestion. King Ridley was the one who gave this idea.

King Gilbert said, 'Our people were living there for more than 500 years. We cannot leave this place. Around Eagle's eye, our lives will be in danger.'

Once the big wall will be breached, we cannot protect our lives. I cannot put my people at risk. We will stay here and whatever happens, we will face together. This is my ancestor's place. I will not leave it at any cost.

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King Ebonnywood, King Leanwood, and King Arsvoth supported King Gilbert. They all said, 'Nothing is changed. He is doing his part in the organization for the greater good. Sharing and helping each other was the primary objective and King Gilbert aced in that field. No one should object to him.

We all live with our people with two defenses system; First, the eagle's eye then our Kingdom's wall. Still, we face many attacks from other Kingdoms. This is time to stay together as one and you all were trying to tear it apart by talking about shifting King Gilbert's Kingdom. It is not acceptable. No one should make any more points on that. This discussion is over; King Gilbert will stay at his ancestor's place.

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