The Cursed Prisoner - 9

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It has happened four years ago...

When the dragons were attacking us before we had magical newborns. We were fighting with them with weak weapons. People were used to being scared at that time. We were at King Sawyer's wedding. The dragons were hovering in the sky. Our soldiers were fighting with them with everything they had in the field. Suddenly dragons came down and start killing those soldiers. My commander used his brain to kill that dragon. The battle lasted a little longer. The dragon got covered with black smoke. He died due to immense pain and fell on the glowing thing.

'All dragons escaped.'

The soldiers were celebrating and shouting joyfully. My commander was drinking wine standing in front of the dead dragon. But the dead dragon opened his mouth and released fire. It was his final attack. My commander got deep-fried like a lump of dead meat. Both the dragon and my commander died.

A few days later, I announced the news to select a new commander. I said the soldier who will show bravery in the next battle, will earn the commander rank of this Kingdom. When the soldiers heard about it, they started to prepare for the next battle.

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Everyone wants to earn this position. Our prisoner was one of them. He wanted to be commander from the depth of his heart and he was ambitious. His attacks and performance kept improving. I was happy to see this, but achieving such mastery in a short time was quite suspicious.

His behavior started changing. He was getting angry at small things. It was as his heart was turning cold. He was refusing my orders and keeps doing what he was doing to achieve strength.

I felt it. One day, I decided to follow him to find out the reason then I learned; he chose the spot near the glowing thing for his practice. He used to go there as far as there was no effect of the glowing things, but he entered the danger zone and sat there quietly. He was focusing for a few minutes then stood up and continued practicing. As he was practicing, he starts moving towards glowing things. The distance keeps ending between those two.

I never saw someone resist the effect of the glowing things. The force inside the glowing things started to come out and it was affecting his mind and he tried to control it. My guess is he was doing this from day one.

'Whenever he came out, he becomes powerful from the last day.'

When I saw him doing this and the balance tipped off; I sent my soldiers to catch him, but he killed all of them in a snap.

'I still feel responsible for their death. This was my doing and felt I will never get away from this.'

I stopped my soldiers and let him go. For a while, I did not have anything or anyone to face head to head. He had become the strongest man in the entire kingdom. I could feel that, hiding behind the wall. I gathered all the information about him and his doing and sent message to all the masters.

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A few days later, a Kingdom attacked us through the broken wall of the eagle's eye. I announced, 'After this fight, I will choose my commander. Good Luck and do your best.'

'He came fully prepared.'

He had many weapons on his entire body as if he was the weapon cart. No soldier could walk with that many weapons. He was absolutely breathtaking. If anyone asks anything from him, he just glared at them, but did not respond to them. He was as if silent before the storm.

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