Chapter 43: The Fall of Esthirant

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Esthirant, Parpaldian Empire

A stoic darkness befell Emperor Ludius' young face, his eyes radiating uncertainty for the first time since his childhood. His worries gradually faded when he took the throne, but now resurfaced as he found himself faced with a problem he couldn't solve. Born into power, he always had things his way. This facet of his life was not only maintained, but also amplified by the fact that the Parpaldian Empire was the most powerful entity in Philades. A cultivated sense of superiority led Ludius to desire more, and he expanded his goals from the domination of the Third Civilized Region to the entire world.

His ambitions attracted the attention of Remille, a beautiful noble from a prominent imperial family. Together, they developed a close friendship, causing Ludius to grant Remille a top position in his empire. As they shared the same ambition, Ludius found her to be best suited to handle international relations. The longer the two worked in tandem, the closer their relationship grew, or so Remille thought.

Now, as she looked into Ludius' eyes, she wondered if he cared more about her, or about his power. The only concern reflected on his face continued to be that of Parpaldia's dwindling strength and probability of victory. She noticed fierce determination in his eyes, fueled by denial of defeat and a desire for vengeance. Recognizing herself in Ludius, she realized that if he didn't break away from this dangerous path, he might lose everything to the Americans. In turn, she would lose everything as well.

Emperor Ludius sighed, walking up to his subjects as he prepared his words. Shadows danced around the room while his footsteps echoed throughout the underground complex.

Remille turned around, seeing that all members of His Excellency's inner circle were now present. She analyzed their behavior, sensing tension from their overly rigid postures. Have they realized something grave about their fight against the Americans? Or are they simply nervous, scared of retribution for failing to fend off the invaders?

"Arde, what is the latest report?" Ludius asked with an exasperated tone.

"Your Excellency, we have lost the Imperial Capital Defense Base. Nothing remains of it. The same fate has also befallen our base in Duro, as well as our defensive installations along the harbor. My units have cleared sections of the city neighboring the harbor and are currently waiting for enemy landfall. It appears though that the enemy has ceased their attacks. They may be preparing a diplomatic message."

"Hmph, a call for surrender? Well, they must be quite stubborn to continue along that path. Director Kaios, have you received any communications from the Americans?"

All eyes landed on Kaios. Many seemed to stiffen up in anticipation, including Matal, Arde, and the Foreign Affairs Directors. Elto in particular began to fidget, gripping his clothes in order to prevent himself from displaying too much nervousness. Remille wondered why everyone was so tense, growing suspicious that Kaios had something planned. She looked over at the imperial guards, who adjusted their stances ever so slightly. It seemed to her that they too sensed a shift in the room's atmosphere and were preparing for a sudden development.

"I have," Kaios spoke. "They have demanded our surrender, and will allow us to keep our independence, provided we agree to their terms."

Emperor Ludius' expression edged toward anger. "And what might these terms be?"

"We are to pay reparations for damages incurred to the Kingdom of Altaras, release all states who are our unwilling vassals, demilitarize, abolish slavery, and sign key economic and strategic deals that favor the Americans."

Summoning AmericaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora