Chapter 61: Gesta's Gamble

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February 10
Washington D.C.

Quiet roads and sidewalks breezed past as Prince Gra Cabal looked out of the window of his car, admiring the scenery. Gesta's delegation similarly analyzed the passing views. Pedestrians sparsely populated the streets — a stark contrast from what he had seen in San Diego and New York. Everything he saw suggested that this was a rather typical population center, certainly not befitting for the title of 'capital city'. If anything, New York City — which was built up much more than Ragna — was his impression of a capital city.

Curious about the city's small size and limited grandeur compared to capitals such as Ragna, Runepolis, Otaheit, and even Leiforia, Cabal asked, "Agent Nomura, is this truly the capital city? It's quite a bit smaller than New York City..."

Nomura chuckled, "Yes, Your Highness, it is a bit smaller. I've asked this question a few times before when I studied history back in the day. There isn't one single reason, more like multiple. Washington D.C. was founded very late, in relation to human history on Earth. Unlike the capitals of the Old World, which were built upon centuries of conquest and hundreds of generations, D.C. was built for the main function that a capital would serve."

The inquisitive prince prodded Nomura further, "So this city primarily serves a mostly bureaucratic and governmental purpose?"

Nomura answered with caution, wondering if Prince Cabal was asking because he wanted to plan a decapitation strike. "Somewhat, although having fifty other state capitals certainly helps with that. I would elaborate further, but this isn't my field of expertise."

Cabal backed down, seemingly satisfied with the answer. "I see. Perhaps one day I'll return to visit these wonderful states."

"Your Highness, that is a most appropriate idea, especially if we want to build amicable relations," Cielia mentioned, recognizing the diplomatic impact of having an important state figure spending time in another country.

"I agree with Miss Oudwin. Back on Earth, leaders from our closest allies would often visit the United States for vacation," Nomura brought up.

Wary of the prince's influence and friendly disposition to the Americans, Gesta felt that such activities were against his and His Excellency's interests. His investments in war industry stocks along with his relations with many pro-war investors would falter if the Prince continued to be friendly with the Americans. He quickly countered, "Your Highness, it is also a distraction from your studies and princely duties. I apologize for this, but your father was also very adamant when he requested your non-interference in my department's matters." Gesta took a breath, relaxing his expression and switching to a less aggressive tone, "It is best not to entertain the notion until His Excellency grants permission. I hope you understand."

Prince Cabal replied sternly, "I appreciate the reminder, Gesta." He stood his ground and returned the favor, "I would also like to remind you that my memory is pristine. I spoke with Father and can recall his words. With that said, I believe spectating the negotiations doesn't count as interference. I'm sure you wouldn't mind if I simply watched?"

"Ah." Gesta smiled, giving the impression of polite courtesy even though his smile came from relief. "I actually have no say in that matter. The American President actually wanted to see you, Your Highness. It was on Cielia's schedule for our Washington D.C. visit."

Cabal scratched the back of his head, "Oh, I suppose I must've missed that." He turned to face Cielia, "Miss Oudwin, do you know what is required of me?"

Cielia nodded, "Yes, Your Highness. Your meeting with President Lee includes a photo shoot. Unfortunately, you'll have to entertain their press for a moment before you are able to discuss matters privately with the President."

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