Chapter 164: Behind the Scenes

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Author's Note (Story and Patreon Updates):

Go read Manifest Fantasy, my new portal isekai story where the modern U.S. discovers a fantasy world.

NOTE: Manifest Fantasy (rewritten) is available through RoyalRoad.

Note 2:
Chapter 165 is now out for all Tier 2 Patrons and higher! Tier 2 Patrons and higher will be able to read one chapter ahead!



January 6, 1641
Magicaregia, Annonrial Empire
Oranatha Castle

Director Zamuras walked briskly down the castle's stone corridor, his wings lightly flickering with a diverse play of colors. His mind skimmed through the impending reports, each word weighed and measured for Emperor Zaratosthra's discerning ears. He had managed to secure five beacons from the Artticus Ocean – a noteworthy achievement, yet not one that immunized him from the Emperor's exacting standards.

As he approached the chamber doors, two heavily armored guards stepped aside to let him pass. He knew what awaited him in the High Council meeting – scrutiny that could uplift or shatter. The doors swung open soundlessly. The chamber lay bathed in a cold, greenish light, like the depths of a still lake. Emperor Zaratosthra sat at the head of the elongated table, his special throne elevated above the other seats. His wings shone brighter than everyone else's – a visual epitome of mana purity.

Director Vorus of the AIA was already there, seated beside Director Bachus of the Inferior Affairs Department and across from High General Duran. Like himself, Zamuras' colleagues also had noncorporeal wings that signified their purity. Zamuras took a seat beside Duran, the mana-charged atmosphere tightening like a noose. The sconces at the walls of the conference room flickered briefly as if sensing heightened tension.

Emperor Zaratosthra's eyes met his, a single piercing glance that lingered just a moment longer than comfortable. "We convene this High Council on matters most urgent," the Emperor began. "It is the resolute will of this Empire to hasten the revival of our glorious Ravernal ancestors. In this chamber, any effort less than the utmost is not merely disappointing – it is heretical. Speak, councilmembers. Director Zamuras, your report."

Zamuras felt a brief flicker of mana pulse through his wings as he shifted in his seat. "Y-your Excellence, five beacons from the Artticus Ocean have been secured and are now in our possession. Our sea monsters, dispatched for the collection, have also provided valuable information on the ongoing global war." He glanced briefly at Duran, exchanging a nod with him.

Duran cleared his throat and began. His voice carried the timbre of command, but it wavered ever so slightly. Even he was not immune to Zaratosthra's intimidating demeanor. "Your Radiance, we have gathered intelligence on the new developments upon the United States' entry into the war between the Elysian Defense Initiative and the Gra Valkas Empire. One of our sea monsters, on a collection mission near Follicus Island, managed to observe an event of considerable importance."

Zaratosthra's unblinking eyes focused on Duran. The Emperor's wings shimmered more vividly, as if pulsing with curiosity or worse – impatience.

"A devastating strike took place near the island," Duran continued. "A Gra Valkan conquest fleet suffered immense losses. Their carriers, in particular, were targeted and nearly annihilated by American missiles. We have no further details on the strike, but this would imply that the Americans are beginning to push the Gra Valkans out of the Cartalpas Strait. It appears, based on the halt of their naval operations and disarmament, that they may have surrendered."

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