Chapter 52: Eastern Expansion

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NOTE: Remille and Ludius are NOT related (genetically, family) in Summoning America.

January 17, 1640
Esthirant, Parpaldian Republic

Emperor Ludius surveyed the courtyard outside the Imperial Palace surrounded by hundreds, if not thousands, of cheering individuals. Standing up from their seats, they applauded not for him, but for the man that was just inaugurated as president. He stood beside President Kaios, who wore a sleek, distinctly American suit. The two maintained their handshake while both individuals smiled at the crowd, allowing their historic event to be documented by news companies from all over Elysia.

After performing his ceremonial duties as emperor, he retired to his seat, allowing the inauguration process to continue. The moment he knew he was out of sight from the cameras, he dropped his smile. He sighed, feeling the warmth of Remille, who put her arms around him as he sunk into his chair.

"It's okay," she said soothingly. "You made the right choice. If you had gone down a different path... Kaios might have killed you. Or worse, those barbarians would have!"

"Barbarians," he dwelled on the word, rolling it over his tongue. "Is it even appropriate to refer to them as barbarians anymore? They bested us in technology. They bested us in economy. Now, they're besting us in politics, replacing our imperial system with their democratic ideals. I would fight back; I would have retaliated..."

"Why didn't you?" Remille asked, looking into his eyes.

He locked eyes with her, staring into calming blue while he was reminded of why he made his choices. "If I had done that, I would've lost everything." He put his hand on her cheek and kissed her. The two embraced for a while before Ludius continued, "And at the very least I get to retain some of my wealth. Not what I used to own, but I suppose it's better than nothing."

"I... agree. Maybe a quiet life isn't so bad after all," she said.

Ludius nodded and they returned their attention to the inauguration.

Kaios' voice swelled as he arrived at the conclusion of his lengthy speech. "... could not have been possible without the generous aid of the United States of America! Their advisors were paramount to the smooth success of this election and the restructuring of our government. With our ally's help, we will push the Parpaldian Republic to greatness never before seen! And this starts with the gradual emancipation of all slaves and their repatriation to their home countries!"

The audience gave a mixed reaction. Evident discontentment, signified by a chorus of jeers, became drowned out by a subsequent series of cheers. Many nobles were dissatisfied — even angered — by the announcement. Not only did they lose their titles, but now they were losing some of their assets. Some remained quiet, hoping that Kaios would provide compensation.

"Noncompliance with this directive will result in a complete confiscation of all assets and imprisonment in accordance with the recent legislation passed by Congress."

Disgruntlement echoed throughout the crowd, but ceased as Kaios put his hand up. He continued, sweeping his eyes left to right as he scanned the crowd, "All nobles will receive access to subsidized infrastructure and machines from the United States. All current businesses will also receive subsidies if they agree to at least one contract with an American corporation or company."

The audience simmered down, considering the offer proposed by President Kaios. As suggested by government advisors, the nobles had studied aspects of American society and economy. With this context in mind, many began to form positive opinions. Despite the staggering hit to their pride, profits could certainly make up for it. After all, everything has a price.

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