Chapter 63: Seeds of Doubt

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February 10
Washington D.C.
The White House

Prince Cabal sighed in relief as he stepped through the doors of the White House, welcomed in by President Lee.

Lee noticed this and smiled, "Yep, that's the same way I feel with the press, Your Highness."

Cabal chuckled, "They're the same everywhere, it looks like. Will we have to entertain any more of them?"

Lee responded as he guided Cabal toward the Oval Office. "No, thankfully. We finally have some privacy now, so we'll be able to discuss relations between our two nations."

Cabal tilted his head in confusion. "Hm? I was under the impression that Mister Gesta and Mister Heiden were already doing that."

Lee opened the doors to his office. "That is true, Your Highness, but ultimately, the final say falls upon leaders like ourselves." Lee sighed as he sat down, gesturing with his hand toward the couch across from him.

Cabal took the cue and sat down.

"A drink?" Lee poured a couple shots of bourbon made from Qua-Toynian corn, aged via acceleration magic.

"Yes, I'd like one, Mister President."

Lee poured another couple shots and gave it to Cabal. "A toast," he said, raising his glass, "To our newfound friendship."

After a resounding clink, the two men leaned back, sipping their alcohol. Cabal reacted in slight surprise as he tasted it. "My, this is quite possibly the best alcohol I've ever tasted!"

"I reacted the same way myself," Lee said with a smile, reminiscing. "For some reason, every food product that comes out of Qua Toyne is perfect. The locals say the land is blessed by a goddess."

"Hm, I see. If I had heard that a year ago, I would've disregarded that. I was quite surprised to find out that magic is real in this world."

Lee nodded, taking another taste of the bourbon before leaning forward. His expression shifted from pleasant friendliness to serious professionalism.  "I'll get straight to business: I am concerned about the recent aggression displayed by your nation's military."

Cabal wondered what Lee was getting at. "What do you speak of? Our war with Leifor ended months ago!"

Lee shook his head. "I'm talking about the Conshal Island Chain. Earlier this week, a Gra Valkan naval task force attacked and defeated a local alliance in an act of conquest."

Cabal denied it, putting his hands up to emphasize his innocence. "I haven't apprised myself of the military's operations; I thought we had entered an era of peace."

"Ah. Unfortunately, it looks like someone got bored of this peace while you were flying to the United States. Your people disregarded the surrender of the Conshal Alliance and continued to indiscriminately bombard civilian population centers. I've yet to receive the numbers yet, but the death toll is estimated to be in the tens of thousands — men, women, children."

Cabal's eyes widened in horror. "I— That can't be!"

"I also heard rumors of Gra Valkan soldiers stealing from the Conshals and raping their women. Needless to say, the United States does not approve of these barbaric acts. You understand how we might not want to associate with the Gra Valkan Empire after that..."

Cabal jumped on the defensive, quickly pointing out that other Elysian nations had no qualms with such acts, and even regarded it as typical for conquerors to completely dominate the subjugated. "The rest of the world engages in such acts. How are we to be blamed for something not considered criminal by Elysian standards?"

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