Chapter 129: Draconic Wrath (1)

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Author's Note (Tomrichman and associated drama): Some of you may have seen provocative comments from someone claiming to be a user named "Tomrichman". These comments include remarks about being a coauthor of Summoning America and sometimes involve critiques on American policy in the story. These comments are to be IGNORED and DISREGARDED. Summoning America does NOT have any coauthors; I, DrDoritosMD, am the sole author and contributor to this story. I also believe that these comments are fabrications, likely from an anonymous user who is not Tomrichman himself. Please keep in mind that anything not explicitly from myself or not approved by myself is NOT to be trusted. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me via discord through my server.


Author's Note (Manifest Fantasy): I am proud to announce that the Manifest Fantasy rewrite is currently in the works, and will be my first professionally written piece. It will follow the same theme and setting as the original story (available on my profile), but will otherwise by a completely different story. The tentative schedule for the story sees a release during Summer 2023, with 5-10 free chapters available as a trial and weekly chapters available via a subscription service on Patreon (patron, pætreon). An Amazon epublication is also planned when I complete the first volume of Manifest Fantasy.

For more comprehensive and current updates, please join my discord server.

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November 14, 1640
Hytal Base
GVN First Conquest Fleet
GVS Grade Atlastar

Calm waves splashed softly against the imposing hull of the Grade Atlastar, which was anchored just off the recently-conquered Hytal Base. The sun shone brightly upon them, with not a cloud in sight. Gulls chirped about, singing tunes that soothed Admiral Caesar's battle-hardened ears.

He enjoyed every moment of this serenity, cherishing what fleeting peace he had. He couldn't afford to let these little things go, for he knew that every battle carried a risk of death. With the threats present on Elysia, this risk of death had only grown. As if futuristic magic saucers weren't enough, he now had to face a group of three fantastical dragons that were each similar in size to Hercules-class battleships.

These so-called Plasma Dragons were additionally supported by naval and air assets from the Holy Mirishial Empire. According to their radar systems and scouts, the Mirishials were deploying their prized Zeroth Fleet, hundreds of aircraft from their mainland, and a Pal Chimera. While this force was significantly smaller than the Otaheit Defense Fleet, it packed a far greater punch: the Zeroth Fleet consisted of the Holy Mirishial Empire's most technologically advanced and experienced warships. Additionally, there was no telling what sort of magic tricks they had hidden up their sleeves; even basic Iceberg Walls were enough to stifle a Gra Valkan alpha strike.

His only saving grace was the assumption that Plasma Dragons attacked like wyverns. After a strategic conference with other commanders in the First Conquest Fleet, they came to a conclusion that the Plasma Dragon must be an offshoot of the wyvern species. Thus, its attack was likely a larger, more powerful version of the fireballs summoned by their smaller cousins. However, there still remained the issue of what tactics to actually use against potential Mirishial-Eimorian formations.

As he continued to admire the sparkling ocean waters and the grand Gra Valkan fleet before him, a communications officer pulled him away. "Sir," the man said, "Commander Herund has arrived."

Caesar sighed, taking in one last look before he resumed his work. "Thank you, Lieutenant. I suppose it's time to finally discuss strategy," he muttered to himself as he made his way over to the ship's plotting room.

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