Chapter 96: Mercenaries

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June 10, 1640
Washington, D.C.

President Lee glumly stared at Secretary Hill as he reported on the state of the Gra Valkas Empire's war of conquest against the Sonal Kingdom and Nigrat Union.

"... With the loss of their militaries, I'm afraid that total capitulation is just around the corner. Numerous member states within the Nigrat Union and half of the Sonal Kingdom's territories have already surrendered. The Gra Valkas Empire has conquered the Nigrat Union and Sonal Kingdom," Hill said solemnly, his face reflecting a sense of pity for the fallen nations and their citizens.

Secretary Heiden shared a similar look, although his look was more laden with concern, rather than pity. "Mu's probably next, then. What a disaster," Heiden said, shaking his head.

Lee gave a soft chuckle, understanding where Heiden was coming from. He agreed, "Yeah, reminds me of another thing I miss from back home: stable geopolitics." He coughed, "Or um, relatively stable, at least. Russia and China never ran around conquering continents like what the Gra Valkas Empire is doing right now."

Hill nodded, pointing out the reason why. "Unlike the Gra Valkans, the Russians and Chinese knew that attacking their neighbors would trigger a global war. We don't have any defense treaties with any countries to the left of the Philadean and Rodenian continents."

"And so the Gra Valkans were able to act with impunity; without fear of us intervening," Lee finished Hill's thoughts. "Gordon, do you think a defense treaty would have deterred the Gra Valkans?"

Heiden shrugged, "Hard to say for sure, Mister President. I don't know enough about internal Gra Valkan politics. Maybe they had too much political pressure for conquest? In any case, having defense obligations overseas would probably have been detrimental for public opinion, especially considering the fact that we've already had two major wars ever since our arrival here."

"Sir, I think it was better that we never had any defensive pacts," Hill added. "This planet is much larger than Earth. Even at max speed, it would still take over a month to reach the Muan continent. We don't have enough overseas presence in that region of the world to reliably defend our allies there – or even ourselves. A lone carrier battlegroup won't be enough to put the Gra Valkan Navy out of commission. If the Gra Valkans send several fleets, we won't have enough firepower to protect our bases there."

Lee felt the sting of this reminder, loathing the fact that he still had to juggle both his decisions and the impacts such decisions would have at home. He could do what was best for his country and authorize rapid militarization, but the public wouldn't understand unless he declassified highly sensitive information. Even then, many probably wouldn't believe the threats posed by this alien world. Hell, some people – conspiracy theorists who never bothered to visit the coasts to see for themselves – still thought the United States was on Earth. He couldn't go all out and take risks, either. One mistake could cost him the next election, and there was no telling if the next president would be competent enough to prepare the country for the storm to come.

For now, he had to play safe. He had to play with the cards he was dealt with; short term sacrifice for long term gain. "Yeah, you both bring up very solid points," Lee said. "Still, there must be something more that we can do to impede the Gra Valkans. Something tells me that if the Muans and Mirishials are unable to stop them, we'll be forced into another war."

"I agree," Hill said. "We can declare war on the Gra Valkans now, with Congress' approval, but it might be shaky."

"Yeah, it would be," Lee nodded. "The public barely knows about the Gra Valkas Empire, only that it exists and is territorial. I have no doubt Congress would support a war, but I'd be spending a lot of political capital trying to push this through. Then again, I want the Muans and Mirishials in the best state possible to prepare for the Ravernals." He sighed in defeat, "Damn this."

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