Chapter 117: First Strike (3)

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GVS Grade Atlastar

The view from the bridge was one of disaster. Trails of smoke drifted to the sky on both sides of the battlefield while a merciless lightning storm raged around them. Torrential rains and crashing waves contributed little to dousing the fires that ravaged the damaged and sinking ships, serving only to pester the survivors struggling in the water. To these survivors and those trying to rescue them, the chaotic battlefield was like a double-edged sword. The constant devastation amidst the storm deterred any sea monsters from getting too close, but it also meant that rescue operations were all the more difficult to conduct. Shells, bombs, and wrecked planes fell from the sky, threatening to strike rescue teams, survivors, and combatants alike.

A mere hour had elapsed since the start of the battle and already the situation was bleak for both sides, although the description was more apt for the Gra Valkan side. The battle had more or less gone as expected, with Gra Valkan naval forces completely demolishing the EDI fleet. The EDI suffered the loss of half their standard vessels, with the exception of outliers such as the Orichalcum- and Mithril-class battleships, the La Kasami-class battleships, and the La Burke-class destroyers.

Under reasonable battlefield conditions, Caesar could've overwhelmed even these powerful foes with ease. However, he and his comrades were dealt a painful reminder that war is a dangerous phenomenon that one shouldn't expect to always go according to plan. Three strange airships did what the main EDI fleet couldn't: push back the Gra Valkan Navy.

Blue bolts and lasers pounded the Gra Valkan fleet, sinking ship after ship. With how quickly the airborne battleships were sinking the Gra Valkan vessels, it didn't take long before the Grade Atlastar itself was targeted. In addition to long-range bombardment from the Cosmo and her allies, searing blasts of plasma and intense rays of light began to strike the ship.

"Aft auxiliary turrets are destroyed!" Someone called out while a laser grazed the back of the ship, igniting flames across the rear portion of the deck and incinerating several crew members.

Caesar wracked his mind for a solution to his predicament. The more his ship was pummeled, the more helpless he felt. Was this it? Did he provoke an enemy that he had no chance at defeating? Caesar pondered the outcome of the battle if this one-sided slaughter continued. They would probably be able to wipe out all EDI naval vessels, but what was the point if his entire fleet was wiped out as well?

His thoughts were temporarily distracted by the sight of a Muan La Burke-class destroyer shooting down Gra Valkan dive bombers with relative ease, as if they had American targeting computers. Although initially overcome with dread, he soon realized the underlying value of this demonstration. If the Muans could shoot down aerial targets using computers, then what's to say that the Grade Atlastar couldn't do the same?

Caesar glared at the saucer, which hovered above them at a height barely out of reach of their guns. He barked a new set of orders, urgency and excitement evident in his voice. "Captain, target the closest saucer with the main guns! Use standard high-explosive shells!"

Captain Luxtal repeated the order to his gunnery officers, who immediately began preparations.

"Target identified, adjusting azimuth and elevation. Wait... we're unable to fire because of the angle!" An officer caught a flaw in their plan.

Caesar felt a pang in his heart; all of his prior excitement was snuffed out and he was once again left in a perilous state of helplessness. "Damn it," he cursed. Looking toward Luxtal, he asked, "Would it be possible to hit the saucer if we backed up farther?"

Luxtal shared Caesar's sentiment. He pinched the bridge of his nose while he gave an unsettling answer, "Yes, but we would need to get several miles farther. However, it will take time to adjust our position. At least thirty more allied ships will be sunk by the time we're ready to fire." He shook his head, every characteristic of his demeanor screaming that it was a bad idea. Then, to further emphasize this, he said, "We could likely hit the closest saucer, but we would have lost the battle by then."

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