Chapter 116: First Strike (2)

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GVS Grade Atlastar

Admiral Tachyon's words were heard throughout the ship, but none were more infuriated than Captain Luxtal, whose hateful sneer grew with each word spoken. "Mongrels? Troglodytes? The audacity of these damned barbarians!" He yelled in a fit of rage, slamming his fists onto a nearby table.

On the other end of the spectrum, Caesar showed no reaction to the bold statement. While Luxtal issued orders, Caesar remained silent. He paid little heed to the Mirishial announcement, instead concerned with the implications of the enemy's sudden use of an open channel. They must have figured out that they're using manacomms to circumvent American jamming. With a calm voice, Caesar issued new orders, "Comms, inform the fleet to proceed with our attack and have them switch their encryption settings to sequence 4."

Luxtal acted on Caesar's orders, channeling his anger into the ship itself. "Gunners, target the lead Orichalcum-class battleships! Take down the Cosmo!"

"Calculating firing solution, adjusting for relative movement..."

The groan of metal reverberated throughout the bridge as the Grade Atlastar's massive turrets turned, adjusting angle of fire in accordance with the new targeting computer. A distinct blue glow shone from a nearby console while the integrated madar system – developed jointly with the Magikareich Community – fed data to the computer. Bright flashes erupted across the deck, sending the ship into a shudder as a full salvo raced toward the enemy fleet. The other Gra Valkan warships fired their weapons as well, the sounds of their cannons blending with the thunder generated by the ongoing storm.

Luxtal grinned in anticipation, only to lose his excitement upon seeing a massive wall of ice rise from the water. It appeared spontaneously and out of nowhere, stretching from end to end and sheltering the entire EDI fleet. The wall absorbed the first round of shells, crumbling immediately under the force of dozens of shells. The subsequent barrages were not impeded, but the powerful first salvo was rendered ineffective.

"What?!" Luxtal yelled, bewildered by the sudden shield.

"This is the same strategy they employed in their skirmish with our submarines," Caesar remarked. He was disappointed that the first salvo wasn't able to do much damage, but he dismissed it as a minor consideration. "Judging by the size of the wall, they must have expended a lot of magic. I doubt they can cast that spell many more times, nor can their mages keep up with this chaotic battle. Continue our assault and keep our distance from those saucers."


Otaheit Beach
Constellis Detachment

Rows of artillery pieces dotted the coastline, from Muan-produced cannons to howitzers purchased from the Americans. These weapons pounded constantly, lobbing magically-enhanced destruction at the Gra Valkans from a cool distance of 50 miles. Amidst the cookie-cutter ensemble of olive- and sand-colored cannons, a set of trucks stood out. Rather than hosting cannons, they hosted vertical boxes that faced the incoming rain with their heads held high.

Black-uniformed men patrolled this unique section, accompanied by a pair of suited individuals. One wore a piece with dark stripes and a red tie, while the other wore a white dress shirt under a standard black piece. Flanked by two armed guards on either side, the men inspected the trucks with great interest.

"We've had no issues with the machinery so far," the black suited man explained. "We're ready to launch on your signal, Mister Horner."

The other man fiddled with his umbrella, slowly twisting it. Scarcely able to contain his excitement, he gave his companion a nod, "Very well, Mister Woods. Let's begin with the Block 6 Tomahawks."

At the nod of Woods, one of the vertical boxes opened up, revealing four vls cells inside. The box then rumbled, emitting smoke as the cells unleashed their contents. Four Tomahawk missiles rocketed upward and dashed toward the enemy, creating a sonic boom as they accelerated past the aircraft carriers at the rear of the EDI fleet. Using a tablet receiving data from a drone, they monitored the progress of the missile test.

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