2| Not Tonight

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"Ass wipe!" I spat.

"No boob having ass." He pointed towards my chest, "What are you an A cup?" He laughed.

I covered my chest, "Dick! Speaking of dick, Brittney called and said she didn't even know you entered her, your shrimp dick was so small."

"Tiny, tiny." I cooed.

"If you wanted another ass whooping just say that." He said cracking his knuckles.

I crossed my arms. "Excuse me? Another? Last time I checked I beat your girlfriends ass." I corrected.

He held up his finger, "First off all, she is not my girlfriend." He held up another finger, "Second, whoever is on top when the security guards pull you off is the winner." He shrugged his shoulders, "Looks like you're the loser." He taunted, wiggling a picture from the fight in my face, Brenda was only on top of me for a second.

"Who died and made you a referee?"

"I think I deserve the title, since I've won every fight I've been in." He smirked.

I put my hand up in his face, "You know what! I don't even know why I'm talking to you. Get outta my face." I huffed and walked past him not before bumping him on the shoulder.

"Get outta my face." I heard him mock as I walked down the hall.


"I hate that guy!" I groaned, resting my head on the counter.

"Why do you hate this guy again, he seems like a really cool guy." Brandon questioned looking at Sebastians instagram page.

I snatched my phone from him, "Of course your gay ass would think he was a cool guy, you just want to fuck him."

He just laughed not denying it.

"Oh my God! Is your face okay, because Brenda punched you pretty hard." Diana snorted, holding in her laughter as she watched the fight on her phone. "This is like your fifth time watching it." I muttered

"I know it's just so mindblowing, I've never seen you so pissed before."

"I'm mad I missed the fight, I was too busy taking the stupid bus because my dumb car broke down." Brandon pouted.

"Crystal!" I froze from the sound of my manager calling my name, I looked to my right to see him glaring at me. "Your break isn't in another hour, its not time for chit-chat. Get back to work!" He barked.

"I'm sorry! What do you want me to do? Nobodys in here." I looked around the empty yogurt polar.

"What do you want me to do clean the vents?" I questioned.


"No! I am not a handy woman, I'm just a cashier."

"Fine, whatever. Just clean the bathroom before the next customers come in." He ordered and turned his attention on Diana and Brandon. "If you two are not going to buy something, leave!"

"Okay!" Diana dragged out putting her hands up in surrender, "We will be taking our leave now." She picked up her school bag.

"Don't go!" I dramatically grabbed a hold of both of there hands, "Don't leave me, he's mean!" I pouted.

"Heard that!"

"Heard that." I mocked.

"Heard that too!"

"Damn man you got bat ears or something?" I questioned.

No response.

Oh so now he don't want to respond.

"I have to get going, I have to pick up my car from the shop and I have to baby sit my sister." Brandon rolled his eyes at the last part.

"Fine." I sighed, letting go of both of there hands.

We said our goodbyes and I went to go clean the toilets.




It was 10:54 at night by the time I got home, not only was I exaused my face was throbbing. I lazily kicked off my shoes at the front door, "Dad, I'm home!" I shouted.

No answer.

I heard the sound of vomiting coming from the kitchen, I dropped my bags at the door and rushed over to the kitchen to see my dad on the ground hurling in the trash bin.

"Dad!" I rushed to his side.

It was only then that I saw the empty alcohol bottles on the floor next to him. I let out a sigh, "I still don't understand why you do this to yourself." I muttered, picking him up with a loud grunt.

"Come on lets get you to bed." I slowly walked over to the stairs and let out a huff when I realised how long it would take me to get his ass up these stairs.

"Okay!" I grunted, "One foot in front of the other."

"I don't need your help!" He slurred and shoved me, I quickly grabbed a hold of the rail before I fell on my face.

"Lets not do this tonight, I'm tired!" I grabbed him tight and forcefully moved him up the stairs. After a couple of minutes of stumbling I finally got him to bed.

I placed him down on the bed, hurling his feet on the foot of the bed. He rolled over in his back, "No, No!" I rolled him back on his side and proceeded to prop pillows up beside him so he wouldn't roll on his back through the night, I pushed a trash can to the side of his bed.

I threw the covers over him and planted a kiss on his forhead.

"Mia..." He softly whispered.

I bit the insides of my cheeks, mom. I stood up from the floor, turned off the light and walked into my room.

I collapsed onto the bed, stareing at the picture of my mom and my little brother Judith on my dresser. I abruptly stood up and slammed it face down.

Not tonight.


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