Void Burns: Angst/Comfort

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Writing this while watching MCC this one is a Tubbo one! also try to guess the songs Tubbo sings in the comments (hint there is only one). Once again MCC is like Hunger Games (I'm so sorry I haven't been posting lately I just haven't had the energy or mind set to do so)

My head cannon Scott and Tubbo are brothers who live on different servers

Tubbo's POV:

     Ace Race was about to start everyone was hyped up it was the forth game of the day and I was already a bit tired but that didn't matter after this was half time so I could rest after. "This is Ace Race, hold your breath and count the seconds, we'll be done with this soon. The winners circle will be paradise if I'm not dead by the end" I mumbled as the timer counted down "3.....2.....1 GO!" everyone takes off I see Wilbur right in front of me and Tommy beside me as we use our tridents to go though the water. Once I pass Wilbur hear him saying a poem about Ace Race I rolled my eyes smiling and continued, Phil quickly passed me as we start heading towards the elytra part that goes above the void. I was nervous about this part cause if you get too close to the void you can get void burns which I've heard hurt terribly. I use my trident to launch out of the water passing Scott "away from this coma, take my medal then I can blow this town" I tried my best not to panic as I started slowing down falling into last place "no no no come on" I pleaded. Suddenly no one was around me, I keep flying almost to the middle of the flying course when suddenly my elytra disappears causing me to start plummeting into the void I screamed for anyone to help me as I barely grabbed the edge of an arrow sign. The sign jerked downwards causing me to slip a bit "SCOTT, PHIL, WILBUR, TOMMY HELP!" I hung on to the sign with all my strength when I felt a stinging pain on my legs. "No" I mumbled "HELP!" I tried pulling myself up as I see people fly passed me none seem to be able to hear me. The sign jerked down causing me to slip again but this time I didn't catch the sign and fall into the void.

Scott's POV:

     Tubbo passed me pretty quickly I was amazed, for a second I thought he was gonna pass Dream who was in first. Tubbo's whole team passed me when I noticed that Tubbo was no longer in front of me I looked back and noticed he wasn't there, he probably just got further ahead when I wasn't looking. I landed in the water as my elytra disappeared and swam for it making my second lap. I quickly ran beside Tommy "Tommy have you seen Tubbo yet?" I asked he looked at me confused "No and why would I tell you fuck- *sigh* no I haven't" He says "why do you want to know?" "cause he was in front of me and now I can't find him" I stated as we grabbed our tridents. "Maybe he is just in the back" we launched in the air then run though the tunnel almost back to the elytra bit. Me and Tommy launched into the air as the elytra appears on our backs "no I messaged someone in last place and they haven't seen Tubbo" I explained to Tommy as we get to the middle of the void. Suddenly Tommy stops mid fly I quickly grab his hand so he doesn't fall "what the hell are you doing?!" I yelled as we both landed safely on the platform "did you hear that?" he asks "hear what?" I replied turning to him. I was quiet and listened I hear a voice......"Tubbo?" I questioned looking around Tommy doing the same. "Holy fucking shit! TUBBO!" Tommy shouts I quickly look over to see Tubbo fall off the sign "Shit" I mumbled jumping off the platform as my wings appeared again. I flew as quick as I could trying to get to him as soon as possible "come on Scott you can do this" I mumbled to myself. I reached out for Tubbo's hand catching him, but now I had another problem getting back up to the platform I felt my face sting "void burns" soon me and Tubbo would be covered in them. With momentum I had swung Tubbo back on to the sign as I crashed into the bottom of it dropping my communicator "shit" I mumbled "Tommy go get help!". Tommy quickly gets up and runs for help "Scott" a scratchy voice says "Tubbo! I'm glad your awake Tommy went to get help we'll be okay" I assured him "wait what do you mean we, Scott where are you!?" he says frantically. "I'm-" my hand slipped a bit "I'm right below you Tubbo" that caused Tubbo to freak out a bit more. "Tubbo stay calm we'll be fine" I assure him not sure if it's a lie or not, I felt my arms getting tired and weaker as stings of pain came all over my body "Scott? Scott! Stay with me don't you dare let go" Tubbo shouted. I tried but it wasn't enough as my arms gave out and I started plummeting towards the void the last thing I hear is someone screaming my name.

* * *

When I wake up bright lights filled my vision. I groan sitting up my whole body felt like it was burning. Looking around I noticed I was in the MCC infirmary, the door to my left suddenly opens "Scott you're alright!" Tubbo shouted running over to me "of course I am are you alright?" I asked him. "I'm fine but...but you jumped into the void for me!" Tubbo stated I looked down at my body, bandages and void burns covered it "well I couldn't let you get hurt cause of my design flaw" I said to him. Tubbo stood next to me "Thanks Scott, you should probably get some more rest" he insisted and I complied "alright, goodnight Tubbo" "night Scott!" Tubbo walked out of the room closing the door

Dream smp angst oneshots(discontinued)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя