05 | a sunny day in the ice age

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I sit out on the picnic table outside, it was the first sunny day in Forks. Like a sunny day in the ice age. I was drawing, and taking in the sunny air, it reminded me of home. Bella, on the other hand, was very obviously looking around for the Cullens. Don't get me wrong, I was wonder where Rosalie was, but at least I was discreet about it.

Jessica, who is sunbathing on the picnic table, sighs. "He isn't here."

 "What?" I ask.

"Whenever it's sunny, the Cullens disappear." Jessica replies.

"So, what, they just ditch?" Bella asks.

Jessica half laughs. "No, Dr. Cullen just yanks them out for camping and hiking. I tried that on my parents, not even close."

I look away, considering this, and Angela comes running up to us. "I'm going to prom with Eric! I just took control, I asked him!" She squeals.

Bella and her hug, and I say, "Congrats, Angela. You and Eric make a great couple."

"We need to go to Port Angeles before all the good dresses are gone." Jessica says.

"Port Angeles..." Bella is thinking, I can tell. "Can we come?"


 I was sitting on the bench of the place we were supposed to eat, doodling in my notebook. Bella walked past me, and reached out to grab my hand. "Andie, C'mon, we're going to a book store."


Bella checks out one book, and flips through it as we walk down the street. I wheel along my oxygen tank.

Bella looks lost. "Do you know where we're going?" I ask.

"Oh,  yeah, I think through here leads to the street down the block from that restaurant..." She doesn't sound convincing. 

And then I see a guy. Two guys. I get skiddish like this at night, so I pull on Bella's arm and say, "We should just go this way."

But their are already two guys their too. "Wanna beer?" One guy says to another, as they huddle around me and Bella.

Breathe, I remind myself as I take in several sharp breaths, Breathe...

Bella looks at me, concerned, and tells them, "Here, just take my bag--"

"We don't want your bag." Another guy laughs.

The guy behind me sneaks his hand around my waist and pulls me towards him. "Hey!" It comes out muted because I can't catch my breath.

"Don't touch her!" Bella yells.

I hear tires screech behind us. The guy lets go of me and  I grab Bella's hand. I see Edward Cullen get out of the driver's side, and Rosalie getting out of the passenger side. 

"Get in," Edward told us, and I got in the back while Bella was in the front. Edward stood at the front of the car, while Rosalie leaned in the back, "Are you okay?" She asks, I don't think I've ever seen her this worried. I can't speak yet, just coughing. "Is she okay?" She says with urgency as she turns to Bella.

"She just needs to catch her breath," Bella tells her, and turns to me. "Breathe, In, hold, out." She breathes with me as I do the breathing exercise I've been doing for years. Though, never in a situation like this.  I look up, and Rosalie looks at me with concern. "Are you okay?" She asks. 

I nod. "I'm fine."

Her eyes look back at the guys who tried to attack us, and she looks back at me with a glint in her eye. She charges forward, very fast, and Edward puts his arm out to stop her. "Rose, don't do it." Do what? I think. "They didn't hurt her."

"They tried to." Rosalie snarls. 

"They aren't them, They aren't Royce." Edward told her. I wondered who Royce was.

Rosalie looked back at me, and got in the backseat with me. She rubbed my back, "You're sure that you're okay?" She asked.

"I promise." I responded. We stay like that for a while, and eventually I have the courage to lay my head on her shoulder. 

We pull up at the restaurant, and while Edward and Bella go inside, I stand on the sidewalk with Rosalie.

"Would you like to go inside?" She asks.

"No, Thanks," I say. "Not really a big fan of Italian food."

"What are you a fan of?" she smiles. "There is a burger joint down the street."

"I think I'd like that." I smile, and Rosalie grabs my hand, leading me to this place.

Once we're in a booth, with myself having a burger and fries, and Rosalie having nothing, I try and finally work up the courage to ask her, "How'd you find me tonight?"

"Oh, um, Edward and I were going to get dinner here, and bring some back to our family." She says, not looking me in the eye.

"Why aren't you eating then?" I ask.

"I just... can't eat after seeing what those pigs did." She looks angry. 

"I know..." Maybe she is telling the truth. But there are so many inconsistencies that I don't understand. Why is she so cold? And why did she say that she was alone as the oldest with Edward for so long when she and Jasper are twins? "But, Rosalie, you guys pulled up out of nowhere, and there are so many things that make no sense."

"What things?" Rosalie asked. 

"You said that day in the greenhouse that you and Edward were the oldest but you and Jasper are twins." I said. "I just... There is something going on with your family, and I know that sounds so rude and weird, but I just want and explanation because..." I look up at her, and my heart is pounding, my face feels hot and red. How is it just a look can make me feel that way? "Because I really like you Rosalie."

Rosalie looks at me, shocked, it seems like. Then she puts her head in her hands. "Fuck." She says.

Oh no. She doesn't like me, she thinks I'm crazy. "Oh..." I say. "I'm sorry Rose, I can go."

"No, don't." She says. "I owe you an explanation. Me and my family, well... God, there's no easy way to say this... we're vampires, that how we found you and Bella, that's how Edward saved Bella in the parking lot. That's how we found you, we tracked your scent. Jasper and I aren't twins, We just look similar, so our Family decided it would be a good cover. Edward and I were turned first, that's why I said we were the oldest."

I look at her wide eyed. "I wouldn't lie to you, I swear." She says. And I believe her. 

"Tell me more."

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