29 | vampire girls

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⸺ WE
PULLED UP TO a small house on the beach, with flowers and a garden surrounding the house. Embry parked slopily, and the boys hopped out to the truck. I caught Jared slipping a five into Embry's hand, both of them chucking, and they look back at Bella and I still standing back at the truck.

"Come on in," Embry smiles, "We won't bite."

I sigh, and grab Bella's hand as we walk up to the house. Embry hangs back closer to us for a second to say, "Oh, and, About Emily, don't stare. It bugs Sam."

"Why would I stare?" Bella asks, but the guys are already in the house. As we walk in behind them, the scent of blueberries and honey flood my nose. Sunlight and warmth streams in from everywhere. I see Emily I presume, with her back turned to us. She's taking muffins out of a tin, and placing them on a plate. "You guys hungry? Well, like I have to ask..."

She turns around, and I finally see why Embry said not to stare. Emily, on one side of her face, has a huge scratch mark trailing down her face. Almost like... a claw. She smiles, eyeing me and Bella. She doesn't take time to stare at my oxygen tank, which I appreciate, and I feel bad for looking at her scar earlier. instead, I look more at her face now, her brown eyes and tan skin and kind smile.

"Who are they?" Emily asks kindly.

Jared chuckles, as he reaches for the muffins on the table. "Bella and Andie Swan. Who else?"

"Oh, so you're the vampire girls?" She asks. I raise my eyebrows as I look to Bella.

"So... You're the wolf girl." Bella half-chuckles.

Emily laughs. "I guess so. Well, I'm engaged to one." She slaps Embry's and grabbing for another blanket. "Save some for your brothers. And ladies first." She turns to us, "Muffin?"

"Um, sure." I smile. I pick one up and take a bite. And it. is. heavenly. "Thank you, these are amazing."

"Of course." She says, and then sighs, "Leave it to Jacob to get around Sam's gag order."

"He didn't say anything." Bella quickly defends him. "Or... couldn't."

"It's a wolf thing." Embry explains. "Alphas orders get obeyed wether we want them to or not."

"Can you shut up Embry?" Jared says. "They run with vampires!"

"I can't exactly run with vampires." I smile. "They're very fast."

Emily smiles at that, and says, "You guys should meet my cousin, June." She yells down the hallway, "Junie! Come down here."

I hear footsteps scurrying down the hallway, and look up to see a girl about my age coming into the dining room. She smiles and waves at Bella and I. "Hi guys! It's nice to meet you. Jacob talks about you all the time." She pauses. "Well, Bella mostly."

That makes all of us laugh a little bit, and I turn to see Sam walking in, and greeting Emily with a kiss. I look away. I can't see things like that anymore without feeling pain.

Jacob and Paul arrive next. I expect them to be bruised, maybe hurt, but they're laughing, jabbing each other in the sides playfully. I'm surprised by there demeanor, but not really... I've seen stranger things.


I waited on a picnic table by the truck as Bella talked to Jacob on the beach. I could see them talking, but couldn't make out what they were saying. Another breeze floated past, and I felt more regret for wearing a tank top. My foot tapped on the wood beneath me, as my mind over analyzed Jacob's behavior the past few months. The closeness with Bella, how he acted at the theater, how he looked when we confronted him the other day... maybe it was all coming together.

"Hey," I heard a voice speak from behind me, "Are you okay?"

I turn my head, and see Seth, one of Jacob's friends, standing by the table.

"Oh," I noticed a tear had run down my cheek. I wiped it away, "Yeah I'm fine."

He chuckles and sits next to me. "When people say that they're fine, it usually means the oppisate."

I nod, "Well, I really am fine."

He smiles. "You're Andie Swan, right?"

I nodded. "You're Seth?"

"The one and only." His grin was bright.

I actually smiled a little. I saw Bella coming up over the beach.

"You should come down to La Push more often," Seth said. "It's a lot of fun."

I nodded. "I might.".

In the car, Bella explains whats been happening. "It's Victoria. The one who's been killing all those hikers. Not the wolves, they've been trying to protect them. And now that they know she wants us, they know that we need to be protected."

I take a deep breath. "So we don't have to worry about her anymore?" I ask hopefully.

"Well, not exactly." She says. "But we're going to be okay."

I nod, and take Bella's hand. She squeezes it with a hint of worry. 



yoooo look at me with the updates

i think i've found a schedule: every friday expect a new chapter or if there isn't anything to post i promise you can expect an announcement. 

thank you guys for reading and loving this story!

- lola

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