12 | oxygen

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As they come nearer to us, I see their bare feet, the leaves tangled in their hair, and the stale, lifeless quality to their skin. And their blood red eyes. 

They approach closer to the Cullen's, and the one in the middle stands tall, seeming to be the leader. He smiles, "Hello." My skin chills just at the sound of his voice send chills down my spine. He holds up a baseball, "I believe this belongs to you."

He tosses the ball casually to Carlisle, still blindingly fast. Carlisle's arm snaps up, and he smiles politely. "Thank you."

"I'm Laurent." The man speaks with a slight french accent. "This is Victoria," Laurent points to the red-head with unruly curls, "And James," He then points to the man with blonde hair pulled back into a ponytail, with a sinister look on his face.

"You've caused some problems for us with your hunting habits," Carlisle says. 

"Our apologies." Laurent says, almost sincerely. "We didn't realize the territory had been claimed."

"Yes, we maintain a permanent residence nearby." Carlisle says. 

Laurent looks interested in this, and the three newcomers share a look of surprise. "Really? Well, we won;t be a problem anymore."

"The humans were tracking us," Victoria spoke up, smiling. "But we led them east. You should be safe."

Then I realize what she's wearing. Waylon's t-shirt. 

Tears prick my eyes, and Rosalie notices, pushing me farther behind her. 

"Could you use a few more players?" Laurent asks. Carlisle looks hesitant, and Laurent tries to convince him, "Oh, c'mon, just one game."

Carlisle sighs. "Sure. A few of us were just leaving. You can bat first." Carlisle tosses the ball to Laurent, but Victoria's hand snaps up to catch it. 

"I'm the one with the wicked curveball." She smiles, and the Cullen's laugh and smile fakely. 

Rosalie grabs my hand, and just as the rest of the vampires are going to the middle of the feild, just as we were leaving, a gust of wind blows towards Bella and I. And the lack of oxygen gets too much, and I start coughing. 

James turns around, inhaling sharply, as Rosalie holds me up from doubling over from coughing. Esme rushes to my oxygen tank, and brings it over as James snarls, "You brought snacks." 

Immediately all of the Cullens are in front of Bella and I, protecting us, and Rosalie stands in front of me, her teeth clenched and growling.

"The girls are with us." Carlisle says, crouching in front. 

Laurent tries to diffuse the situation, saying, "We won't harm them."

I start to regain my breath, and Bella holds onto me, holding me up as I turn to face the vampires. While Laurent and Victoria stare directly at the Cullens, James stares intently at Bella and I. 

"I think it's best if you leave." Carlisle said.

Laurent nods, "I can see the game is over."

Laurent and Victoria start to walk away as the Cullens remain in their crouched stance. James lingers, until Laurent calls out to him. 

And then, as I feel the breeze from their run, they are gone. 

And Rosalie grabs my hand just as fast. "Get Bella and Andie out of here," Carlisle says, and Rosalie leads me to the Jeep quickly, where Bella and Edward are already running.

"Rosie, What's going on?" I ask as she quickly leads me to Emmett's jeep. My heart was racing, my lungs aching and she was the only thing keeping me grounded. Barely, though, as the look on her face showed the level of worry and anger that she held.

"Rose?" I asked, my voice rising after she didn't answer. Rosalie quickly pushed me into the car, in the backseat, as Edward buckled in Bella in the front, and in a flash was driving us off.

"Edward?" Bella asked timidly, "Edward what's going on?"

I looked over at Rosalie, who was looking determinedly at Edward, probably screaming in her mind at him. "Fuck!" I finally yelled, "What's going on?!"

"James is a tracker!" Rosalie finally exclaimed. She turned to Edward, a fury burning in her eyes, "Isn't that right?!"

Edward sighs, frustrated and his hands gripping the wheel, "I saw his mind, the hunt is his obsession... Our reaction set him of.. and..."

"And what?! What else set him off?" Rosalie yelled, her cold hand grabbing onto mine.

"Andie. Her weakness." Edward sighed, and my heart set off again, beating faster with every passing second. 

"The first place he'll go is their house, right?" Rosalie asks. "He's gonna track their scent."

Edward nods, "Alice saw all of it."

"No!" I exclaim, "Dad, he's there, we have to-"

"We'll lead the tracker away somehow." Edward promises.

"What? He's in danger because of us!" Bella yells. 

"We can make a plan?" Rosalie proposes. Edward nods, and whips the jeep around, mud splattering on the side of the car. 


Bella rushed inside, slamming the car door behind her. Edward also exited, he was going to help Bella pack and pack a bag for me as well. We all decided it would be easier for Dad if I was just in the car. I sat by Rose, she looked angry, and.... scared. 

"Are you okay?" I asked, softly grasping her face in my hands, making her look at me.

"I'll be okay." She sighs, and looks directly at me. "I just gotta keep you safe."



sorry I haven't been posting, i've been sick and unmotivated. but i'm back!

i hope you enjoyed the chapter, more will be out soon!



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