21 | leaving

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⸺ WE STILL ARE SITTING in uncomfortable silence as Rosalie pulls up to my house. I look out the window at my house, hoping that Charlie is asleep. I don't want to have to see him right now, tears still staining my face, and have to lie to him about why I'm crying. I look back to Rosalie, who's watching me overthink everything that's happened.  

"Charlie's asleep," She tells me. "You can sneak right in the front door."

I put on a small fake smile. "How come you know everything?"

She shrugs without emotion. "I just do."

A long silence starts. I don't want to get out of the car, I don't want to leave her. So, because of my refusal to leave her, Rosalie gets out of the drivers seat and walks over to the passenger door, opening it swiftly and I relcutantly get out. We stand there for a minute, and she says quietly, "I think you need some rest. I'll see you tomorrow, okay?" She says. She isn't going to stay with me until I fall asleep. 

I shake my head. "Cut the bullshit. I want you to stay. I'm sorry that I'm fragile, and that you think that I'm going to get hurt, but I can't deal with you being all wounded and scared around me now." I look up at her, tears glistening in my eyes again. "I know Jasper didn't mean too, and I know that being with you is dangerous... But Rosalie, you're the one I choose. No matter the risk."

Rosalie brings her hand up to my face, tenderly touching my cheek. She looks deep into my eyes, like she's thinking. Her brow in furrowed in... confusion? Hurt? I can't place the emotions that cross her face as she leans her lips into mine, softly kissing me at first, but then more passionately leaning her lips into mine. Her hand finds my waist, pulling my body closer to her, and my hands are on her shoulders as I melt into her. Her kiss is making most of the worries go away, but all I am thinking in the back of my mind is: Why does this feel so sad? So final? Like a goodbye kiss...

She pulls away, and I shudder in a deep breath. "Go inside, to sleep okay? I need to go back to my family." She told me. "I have to help them clean up and... help Jasper."

I nod. "Okay. I love you."

"I love you more." She whispered, and in a flash, she was gone, leaving me in the dark. 


I couldn't sleep. 

I was too scared. Like if I went to sleep then Rosalie would come when I was sleeping, ad I wouldn't see her. I thought that maybe we would talk or make out, or we could comfort each other about the incident of that night. But no. Nothing. 

I knocked on Bella's door. I didn't expect her to answer, it was midnight and we had school the next day. But I heard her voice say, "Come in."

I walked in, sitting on her bed. She had the scrapbook Mom had gotten her for her birthday in her lap, now filling it with photos. There's one of Bella and I cooking at the Cullen's home this summer, and then one beside it of Edward from tonight. I look up at Bella, who had been crying too. 

"Is your arm okay?" I ask her gently, gesturing to the bandage. 

"Yeah, I got some stitches." She sighs, "Charlie thinks I fell on the stairs."

I roll my eyes. "As always."

We sit in silence for a moment, my eyes looking at her bandage, the night replaying through my mind. The look on Rosalie's face from tonight was the thing that stuck with me. 

"What's going to happen?" I ask quietly. 

Bella looks at me for a moment, then gets up and gives me a hug. "I don't know." She says. "I wish I did."

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