26 | new york

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I hated New York.  

Mostly, I hated it because it was so far, so far away from the only person who really knows me. The person who I loved most in this world. 

Secondly, it was a city. I was raised in the city, but I have always loved the small towns where we've lived. The cozy feeling, the way you can see nothing but trees and feilds for miles and miles, the few people you have to deal with, and the calm order of things. That's how I liked things. To be kept in order, and calm. The city wasn't like that. The world moved fastly, just walking up the street was annoying. People weren't afraid of me, of my strangeness, of my beauty. Men checked me out and catcalled me shamelessly. 

And that brings us to my third reason I hate this place: Royce King. I feel like this city reminds me of him too much. I hate the snobby, disgusting men who have gotten to the top of wall street because of nepotism, who I pass on the street act just like him. I know that I could easily win in a fight against them now, and I know that I could even kill them, but I still feel unsafe. I hate seeing the men at night drunkenly calling out to the girls at the bars.  It's gotten to the point where the last time we were living in New York, right before we moved to Forks, Carlisle moved us to a quieter part of the city; one where I wouldn't have to walk by the King Bank everyday with my siblings on the way to school, or see any of the things that made me so scared. So here I was, listening to the slightly quieter sound of the people on the sidewalk. 

Esme stood behind me, brushing my long blonde curls. My hair was naturally a little wavy, but over these past few months I had completely neglected everything about me, to the point where my hair looked bad by human standards. Today Esme got me out of my melancholy haze and sat me at a vanity, brushing out my hair. Her hands were gentle, her touches motherly, and she finally sat the brush down, placing her hands on my shoulders. "Would you go hunting with us today?" She asked tenderly. I finally looked up from my lap, meeting her warm eyes in the mirror, catching a glimpse of my reflection. The old Rosalie would've had a fit. My hair was in it's natural state, not straightened or curls, just myself. My face was bare, and smooth, and my eyes were dark black. I hadn't been hunting in a while. The Rosalie before Andie would've hated the reflection I saw. She wanted perfection, to show everyone she was put together, beautiful, that she had the life they wanted, when really, all I wanted was their lives. I wanted humanity.

The Rosalie with Andie was softer, and could be carefree, but also careful with Andie. I felt more myself. I didn't have to put on a show, or take careful time with my apperance. None of it seemed to matter anymore, I didn't care about what others thought of me, I only cared about what she thought. And she loved me.

And now this was me after Andie. A mess. "Rosalie?" Esme asked again gently. "Can you please come hunting with us? We just want you to feel a little better."

I sighed. "Can I just go with you? And Carlisle?" I asked softly. Maybe it would be better with just the two of them. My parents.

She smiled widely, failing to hide her joy. "I'll go get him. Just wait downstairs."

I smiled fakely, and looked in the mirror one last time before turning off the light. 



Bella was obsessed.

She had been calling for days, over and over. I wanted to sit by her side, but sometimes I would just have to take the phone. She'd call, not satisfied with the answer that Jacob just had mono. I thought it was werid too, but Bella was becoming obsessive. 

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