28 | wolves

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⸺"I'M GOING TO LA PUSH," Bella finally sighs, standing from her spot on the couch.

"Can I come?" I whine. "Please? If you and Jacob fight each other I can break it up."

"Shut up about that, will you?" Bella snaps. She pauses. "Sorry. I just... I need to talk to him alone."

"Okay, well then will you drop me off close by? Just so I won't be worried. Please?" I ask. She nods, and I jump up to rush out to the truck.

If I haven't already mentioned-- I love the beach. The constant wind, the salty air, the pretty views... Being there just made everything better. We drove with the windows down, and with Bella and I both still in comfy clothes. but we'd only be seeing Jacob anyway.

Bella made me get out a few blocks away from Jacob's house, and I sat on a picnic table with a view of the waves while Bella drove to Jake's house. I sat in silence for a moment, just watching towards the beach. As usual when I'm alone, my brain wandered to Rosalie. Back to how it was before...



Alice and Jasper had made a reappearance, visiting the family in New York. So of course, I was forced to socialize. All of us sat around the table for a "family meeting", Elena next to Emmett and myself next to them, Alice next to Jasper, Carlisle at the head of the table and Esme at the end. There was one person missing, and the empty seat stuck out like a sore thumb, a constant reminder of what was lost. I could tell Carlisle and Esme noticed it the most. Everyone did, of course. With the loss of Andie and Bella came the loss of Edward... and maybe even myself. 

No longer did echos of piano notes ring out in the house, or no more hunting trips with just the siblings, or no one driving the Volvo that sat collecting dust in the garage. It was just sad. And maybe the family knew I was lost in some way too-- No more snarky comments, no more driving my red convertible, or hunting bears with Emmett and Elena, and no more being a family. No more being close.

"Okay, so," Alice started, smiling happily. "Would anyone like to be updated on my visions?"

"Yes." I spoke up immediately. Everyone stared. "Well, about Victoria I mean she's still out there."

"That's very considerate, Rosalie." Esme said. "Alice, continue."

She took a deep breath, obviously about to say a lot at one time, and fast. "Victoria is trailing through Brazil, it's unclear why but Edward is still following her. He gets our messages. Bella isn't doing well... she's still hanging out on the reservation. I haven't seen her around any of them, though. And Andie--" I practically winced. "Has been in and out of the hospital lately. Fainting spells, nothing too serious."

Carlisle started to speak. "Thanks Alice, well--"

"I think you all need to know," Alice interrupted. "That this isn't going to last forever."

I looked up, "What do you mean by that?"

"Rosalie," Jasper sighed, looking me in the eye. "You can't just let Andie die out in Forks."

"She isn't dying!" I yelled. Esme grabbed my hand. "Alice told me she had time to live a good life. I'm not going to ruin it."

"She does." Alice says. "She lives an average time for her disease. But it will be miserable without you, Rosalie."

"If I changed her, she'd resent me." I shut my eyes. "She'd resent this life, and I'd take her away from Charlie. I can't do that to her. I won't."

"Rosalie, be reasonable." Jasper begged.

"I am being reasonable!" I yelled. "We're not going back."



"Andie!" I heard Bella shout from behind me. As I turned to look, I saw her hanging out of the passengers side door. "Andie! Get it, now!"

I nodded, lifting my oxygen tank and rushing over to the car over a sand dune-- and sliding in the backseat by some guy who looked like a carbon copy of the la push boy "cult" Bella had been talking about. 

"Um, Bella?" I asked nervously as we drove off. "Who are these people?"

"Um," She turned to the boy driving, "Thats Embry," And turned to the boy beside me, "And that's Jared."

"Nice to meet you." Jared smirked. I rolled my eyes in disgust. 

"Okay so, where are we going?" I asked them all.

"Emily and Sam's house," Embry says, and smiles, "While Jake and Paul are fighting."

"What?!" I yelled.

"Andie, do you remember last year when Jacob told us about those tribe stories of wolves?" Bella said.

I nodded, frantically almost. "Yeah, vaguely."

"Well they're real. That's the cult. They're werewolves."

"Wolves?!" I yell. 

"You better believe it!" Embry smiles.

Bella sighs. "I know it's hard to believe, but I promise. I saw it with my own eyes. You'll know once you get to Emily and Sam's house."


hiiii everyone!

god, it's been like two months. I'm so sorry! If i'm being honest, school has been stressful and all of my free time goes into it. I've been really neglecting my interests and hobbies, so i've decided to try and come back to all of that, because i miss writing and drawing and other things i like. 

so yeah! i missed you guys. i'm super sorry, but i really wanna write more now. i'm gonna try to get onto a schedule. btw, check out the new cover! llunaetic made it and it looks so cool. 

AND over 96k readers. wow. you guys like, blow my mind sometimes. thank you!



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