13 | going, going, gone.

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The worst part about leaving our house is the look on Bella's face all the way to the Cullens. I've never seen her crying like this- and with such a distant expression. I think the only thing keeping her sane was Edward's hand on hers. 

My head was rested on Rosalie's shoulders, my eyes drooping. The lack of oxygen from earlier had tired me out.

"You can rest, love." Rosalie whispered in my ear. She smiled wrapping her arm around me. 

I fell asleep and didn't snap awake until I felt that Rosalie's presence was gone.



I had carried her inside, and sat on the couch in the garage while Carlisle and Edward argued over where to take the girls to safety. 

"I want to go with Andie." I demanded, as Andie's head laid against my lap, fast asleep. 

"Rosalie, you know that you and Edward-" Carlisle insisted. 

"Carlisle, he wants Andie because of her weakness." I growl. "Edward, tell him what you saw."

Edward sighs as he looks at Carlisle. "James is interested in Bella for her scent, but in Andie because of her illness."

Carlisle paced for a second, then looked to Andie and I. "Listen, Alice and Jasper will drive Bella and Andie to Phoenix, like we planned. Bella knows what to do if something goes wrong, and Alice will see everything coming. Esme and Elena can track Victoria and watch over the Swan house. We'll hunt James and figure out where he's going."

I looked down. I knew that was best and safest for Andie, but I wasn't sure if I could pull myself away from her. "Jas! Alice!" I called out. They were by my side in an instant. "Just, watch after her okay? You... know what it's like." 

"Of course." Jasper promised, smiling sadly at me, then Andie. "We should leave now. James will be tracking their scent by now."

"I'm ready." Carlisle said. I picked up Andie and place her in the backseat of Jasper's car, she was headed to Phoenix now. She would be safe. 

I thought it would be easy to leave her like this, sleeping and peaceful, but I didn't know when I would see her again. When I would hear her voice, or when I could kiss her. 

But as soon as my hand left hers, her eyes fluttered open. "Rose." She shot up, seeming wide awake. "Hey, what's going on?" She asked, taking my hand back into hers. 

"Andie," Bella placed her hand on Andie's shoulder. "We're going to Phoenix, we'll be safer there."

Andie shook her head. "Why are we going alone?"

"You're not." I grabbed both her hands and looked into her watery hazel eyes. "Jasper and Alice will be there with you."

Tears spilled over Andie's eyes as she realized what was going on. "I don't wanna leave you."

I held back the tearless sob that threatened to come out as I said shakily, "I'll see you soon," Even though I had no idea when 'soon' would be. 

Andie took her strength to stand up. "You're tired, you should be sitting," I protested, but Andie just pulled me into her arms. 

As she faced me, about to turn away to get back into the car, I had never felt such longing. But I knew I couldn't kiss her, Bella was sitting right there.

So I didn't expect in when she reached up on her tip toes to kiss me. 

Her lips collided with mine, and her hand traced my jaw, pulling on the back of my neck to deepen the kiss. I could feel the stares around us, but I didn't care, she was all I cared about in that moment.

I made myself pull away first, it wasn't safe for her to be here much longer. I hugged her once more, trying to hold onto her for as long as possible. "I love you." She whispered into my shoulder. 

"I love you too." I whispered to her. 

As she crawled back into the car, and the door shut, and Jasper drove the car away, I watched her leave for as long as I could, and so did Edward. We only left when Esme placed a hand on my shoulder and reminded us, "It's time to go."


oh why hello 

I've been.... gone for like a month? i'm very sorry abt that. tbh, I've been so busy. like actually busy. and exams are coming up, so most of the time when I'm writing, it's for school lol. 

anyway, thank you for reading and supporting this book! i saw that we got to 6k reads and I was amazed. Thats crazy how fast this is growing, so thank you!! I promise I'll update soon, I'm super excited for new moon and have a bunch of ideas. 

i'm also going to be re-vamping the book and a few of the chapters. so, look out for that!


lola <3

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