25 | movies

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⸺ JACOB AND MIKE OBVIOUSLY wanted the same thing: Bella's attention. So standing with them why Bella was calling Jessica was extremely awkward. Jacob was pestering Mike about his nervous look, and asking if action movies scared him, while Mike was teasing Jacob about his age. I repressed a sigh as Bella came back over to us, saying, "Jessica bailed, and Angela got the stomach flu, so Eric's taking care of her."

I did sigh as I realized what this meant. "Just us, then?"


It was just us four the whole movie. I got stuck sitting in the aisle seat, beside Jacob. I'm glad it was Jacob instead of Mike though, because Mike thinks I'm weird because of the whole lesbian situation. I'd really rather be sitting with my sister, though. 

My thoughts drifted during the movie. It really had no plot, just low quality gore and a gigantic kill count. Every time I looked over to the group, Jacob looked joyful, Mike looked like he would throw up, and Bella looked disinterested, like me. The boys were also holding up their hands on Bella's armrests, in case she wanted to hold them. I rolled my eyes and looked away.

Around this time, Mike bolted out of his seat,  saying, "I think I'm going to throw up." He was in the bathroom by the time we had followed him into the hallway, Jacob being the only one disappointed that we had to leave the theater. I smirked a little because I, the token sick kid, wasn't the one that got sick during the movie. 

"What a marshmellow." Jacob smiled. Bella chuckled in response. "You should hold out for someone with a stronger stomach. Someone who laughs at gore that makes other people vomit."

"Yeah, I'll look out for that." Bella smiles. I watch her act natural, like it's no problem anymore. "I feel bad. He probably has that flu that's going around." Jake gets the courage to hold her hand halfway through her sentence, and I watch in surprise from behind them as she drops it.

"What, I can't hold your hand?" He asks, looking a little embarrassed. 

"Of course you can," She explains, "But I don't think it means the same thing to me as it does to you."

"You like me right?" Jacob asks, and Bella nods. "And you think I'm "sort of beautiful"?"

I rolled my eyes. Bella shook her head, "Jacob, please don't do this."

Bella and Jacob moved over to the stairway, and I stayed by the wall, giving the privacy. 

"Why?" Jacob asked.

Bella sighed, "Because you're about to ruin everything. And I need you." My heart broke a little over these words, and I promised myself that I would still check on Bella now that she was "Moving on". But maybe, now that I was hearing her, she hadn't moved on. She just got distracted.

"Well..." Jacob sighed. "I've got loads of time. I'm not going to give up."

Bella shrugged, half smiling. "And I don't want you too. But... It's just cause I don't want you to go anywhere... And that's really selfish."

I could almost feel the tension in the air as she said: "You know, I'm not like some car you can fix up.  I'm never gonna be right. I should be fair to you."

My heart broke even more at the truth of her words. I knew that too. I would never be right after Rosalie. It's like living without a part of you. You can learn how to do things and be a person again, but there will always be something missing. I'd lost two of those things. My breath. The woman I love.

"It's because of him, right?" Jacob said. He was mad, but he didn't show it. "I know what he did to you. I would never do that. I won't ever hurt you, I promise. You can count on me."

But I already knew what Bella's response would be. No amount of encoragemnt or compliments would ever get us over what we went through.

There's a long silence, and even my eyes start to water. But then Mike, Of course, breaks the silence. "Well...... I need to go home."

Jacob stares Mike down with a furiating look, unsual for his kind face. "I was feeling sick before the movie, okay?" Mike defends. Jacob lets out a single chuckle. I look on in suprise at his boldness. "Look, what is your problem?"

"Right now, you're my problem. Feeling sick? Maybe you need to go to the hospital." 

Now, even though I didn't really know Jacob, or much about him, but I knew it was very out of character for him to get this angry, and react like this.

"You want me to put you in the hospital?" Jacob stands, and walks threataningly towards Mike.

"Jake, Jake!" Bella grabs his arm, holding him back. "The movie's over, what are you doing?" She grabs his hand. "You're really hot."

I blink, trying to take in what she just said, and trying to make sense of Jacob's temper.

"Like you have a fever." She finished.

I breathed a sigh of relief. Mike still looks flabbergasted, and I'm sure I do too.

"I don't know whats happening," Jacob said, looking suddenly calm and confused. "I gotta go." He decided, and dropped Bella's hand, walking out fastly without even looking back.

We all watched him go silently. Bella and I were weirded out, and confused. Mike simply shrugged, "That dude is weird."

I rolled my eyes, "Shut up, Mike."


hello everyone

i've been at the beach AGAIN so i went unactive. here's a chapter for being so paitent! a rosalie pov chapter should be coming next.

thank you for reading!

- lola

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