06 | stay the night

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I called Charlie a little after that, and he let me stay over at the Cullen's, after promising that I would go to Dr. Cullen if I felt anything weird. 

I sat in the car, thinking it over. Rose had told me everything. The powers. The speed. The turning. She wouldn't tell me how she turned, though.

She snuck quick glances at me, and looked concerned. When we finally pulled up to her house, she explained, "They probably aren't home. You know, because of Alice." She breathed in shakily. "Um, you can wear some of mine or Alice's clothes, I don't mind..."

I nodded and smiled, and she walked me in. Her room was upstairs, on the second floor. It was beautiful, with huge windows that had a clear view of a stream by the woods.

"It's really pretty up here." I smiled. 

"Yeah, thanks..." I had never seen Rosalie like this, she seemed... nervous, not her usual confident self.

I turned to her, studying her soft expression. It occurred  to me that her 'mean' demeanor might just be a show. A defense mechanism. "Thank you for trusting me." I say, and step a bit closer to her.

Rosalie's eyes glazed over. She was thinking about something, I could tell. She was conflicted. 

Her hand wrapped around my waist hesitantly. "Could I kiss you?" She asked quietly, brushing some of her honey blonde out of her face.


I stood on my tip-toes and connected my lips to hers. Her hand caressed my cheek, and I sighed at the feeling of her cold skin on mine. I leaned back a bit for breath, then deepened the kiss. My hands played with her blonde curls. I smiled. I knew nothing... but I know that this feels perfect. This is it.

Then she pulls away.

I smile, and take in a deep breath.

She looks at me. "I... We... shouldn't be doing this."

"Why?" I ask. The fuzzy feeling is gone.

"Because, I'm not... human. I want you but I can't bring you into this." She smiles sadly.

I consider this, "Rose, you know that this is something real. You won't hurt me." I blush slightly, "I know you won't. Unless you don't like me."

"No, no I do," She says quickly. "Sorry. Sometimes I just get scared."

"Don't be sorry." I smile. I stand up straighter and kiss her again. He hand trails up my jaw to the back of my neck.


I wake up in the morning, reaching for Rose. I told her it was fine if we shared a bed, but she's on the floor, sorting through clothes.

"Hi." I smile.

"Hi." She flashes her teeth at me. "You can wear these, I think they're you size." She hands me a stack for clothes, and I put on a button down black shirt and jeans.

"I didn't think you were a jeans gal." I smile.

"Not usually. Overalls are sexy, though." She smiles.

I laugh.

"We gotta go to school in a minute, Esme fixed you breakfast I think." Rosalie stands, She was already dressed.

"Oh, she didn't have to do that.." I say shyly.

"Tell her that."


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