16 | new lead

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Sunghoon's POV

"Was it this one?" Thea asked, showing him the piece of paper which had an address written on it. He bent forward to look at it properly, and nodded slowly.

"Yes, that is the one. I had also heard him saying the street's name over the call." He replied. Thea nodded, pocketing the address and standing up. The man too stood up, wondering if anything was wrong.

"Thank you. You have helped us a lot." I said, smiling at him while Thea stopped the recording on her phone. The male smiled back at me, giving a small nod at Thea's direction and left the room.


"This place is literally two hours hour away from here." I said, showing the path which Heeseung had sent to me to Thea. She clicked her tongue in annoyance, puffing up her cheeks and then blowing the air out. We were back in our hotel room after early dinner after rounding up all the paper work at the hospital for Mr. Haruno's death.

"We don't have things to do tomorrow so we can probably book a stay somewhere nearby tomorrow morning and go there." She suggested, shrugging her shoulders. I thought upon her suggestion and realised that she was right. We could very well go there tomorrow and think of a way to get hold of the dude who killed Mr. Haruno, and probably spent the remaining time today to think on what we have heard and seen till now.

"I don't think there's any good hotel there so let's just go with a motel to stay in." I said, nodding and turning around to search up some good motels in that area when Thea called out my name, making me look up from my phone and meet her eyes.

"Did you tell Heeseung about the information we got?" She asked, her face clearly saying she was worried. I shook my head, confused. "I tried calling him but he wasn't picking up." She added, frowning at her own statement.

Thea's POV

"When did that happen?" He asked, raising his eyebrow.

"An hour back." I replied, running my fingers through my hair, slightly worried because this has never happened before since the beginning of the mission. Sunghoon chuckled, shaking his head at me.

"He must have taken a short break. It has happened before, don't worry." He said, patting my shoulder and trying to assure me. I gave him a weak smile, to which he just nodded and went off to the other side of the room, scrolling through his phone.

I sat down on the couch near the window, blasting some songs to relax when I suddenly had an idea. I looked around and saw Sunghoon sitting right on the edge of his bed, engrossed in his phone.

I switched to my favourite song, and suddenly began shouting the lyrics. Sunghoon yelled in surprise and lost his balance, falling down on the floor with a loud thud along with his phone.

"What the actual fuck?!" He shouted, his voice slightly sounding far away since he was still lying on the floor in between the narrow gap of both the beds. I burst out into peals of laughter, knowing my plan had worked perfectly.

"Sorry!" I said, trying to control my laughter but they spilled out from my mouth nonetheless. I walked over to the fallen man, lending him my hand.

"I can get up myself." He snapped, trying to grab the bedsheet and stand up but his hand slipped, his body crashing on the ground again. I started laughing again harder than before, finding the scene too funny for me to keep quiet. He glared at me, this time keeping his hand on the floor with a firm grip and finally getting up on his legs.

"Your entire existence is hilarious, Agent Dipshit." I commented, still chuckling to which he muttered a few curses under his breath and walked past me, clearly pissed off. I turned around to look at him, wondering what was he up to.

"Where are you going?" I asked, as I saw him keep his phone on the table, which too, had fallen on the ground with him before. Fortunately, the screen wasn't broken otherwise Sunghoon would have initiated a fist fight.

"Bathroom for a shower. That's probably the only time I'll have some peace when I'm with you." He scoffed, not even turning around to look at me. "And, don't barge in." He added cockily, using my own statement against me. I tried my best not to yell at him for being unoriginal, but knowing that he was a bit miffed, I let it pass like a kind person I am.

I'm awesome, I know. No claps please.

I plopped on my bed and let my back fall on the mattress, staring at the ceiling as I heard the shower turn on. Having nothing to do at hand, I got up again and pulled out a new packet of chewing gum, opening it and putting a piece in my mouth, happily munching on it to pass the time.

I had never expected I would actually cut on its consumption, but because of how the simple task to meet someone went sideways along with Sunghoon's useless garbage spewing sessions, I had almost forgotten I had a habit of eating this in the first place.

Damn, at least he was doing something productive apart from the mission and annoying me.

I was lost in my thoughts when suddenly I heard a very familiar voice scream in terror in the shower.

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