46 | the plan

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Sunghoon's POV

Finally after both of them were done nagging me about how I was the one who overslept and then in turn scolded them thinking that they had woken me up from my beauty sleep early in the morning, they decided to tell me what they were discussing about.

"So, Miss Rivera right here has thought of a plan." Heeseung stated, waving his hand towards the said female while she waved towards the non-existent audience sitting there pretending she had just won an award. "Which I don't think is safe—" He added, but unfortunately before he could finish, Miss Dramatic Lady decided to cut him off.

"No one asked your opinion, peasant. Shut your mouth." She responded in a posh way, like how a lady of culture who is drowning in money would say.

"Me? Peasant?" Heeseung asked, raising his eyebrow and pointing at himself.

"Stop it, you two. Tell me the plan for heaven's sake." I snapped at them, getting frustrated at seeing them bicker like two bratty siblings.

"So basically—" Thea began, glaring at Heeseung for the last time. "We two go, get the pen drive from the communication room which has all the contacts to agents, bring it back, give it to Heeseung, spill the tea to everyone and get those idiots arrested." She finished, ending it with a bright smile on her face.

"This is suicide—" I muttered, running my hand through my hair as I tried to understand the logic behind the plan. "Are you sure this is gonna work?" I asked her, confirming whether she has given it enough time and thought.

"Come on— where is the Park Sunghoon I know?" Thea replied, getting up from the bed and standing in front of me. "It all depends on time. If all goes well, we can easily do it." She said, patting my shoulder and exiting the room, leaving me and Heeseung alone.

"What about plan B?" I asked Heeseung, wondering whether a plan B really existed or not.

"She said she has thought of something but she isn't sure of it yet. Honestly, I think we can pull this off." The older male said, scratching the side of his head.

"Someone needs to distract the other agents while the other gets the pen drive." I stated, trying to visualize the plan and see how exactly would it work.

"That would be Thea." He replied, nodding slowly. I looked at him in surprise, slightly at shock for the fact that all this had already been discussed in my absence.

"Why am I knowing this now?!" I exclaimed, slightly angry.

"Ask your future girlfriend. She told me if you were included then you would have probably rejected her ideas." He muttered, going back to working on the godforsaken laptop, perhaps preparing for communicating with the other agents in advance.

"Future girlfriend? Excuse me?!" I practically yelled at my bestfriend, completely baffled. "And what the fuck do you mean you will completely exclude me from the discussion?! I'm not a kid!" I protested, annoyed at their casual behaviour towards discussing the plan without me.

"Sucks to suck, I guess."

Thea's POV

I was busy reading a random article on my phone when a very angry male stormed towards me, towering above me with his hand on his hips.

If he had been more angrier, I wouldn't have been surprised to see steam coming out of his ears like those hilarious cartoons.

"Oh, hello." I said, looking up and greeting him with a smile.

"Hello my foot— why did you exclude me out of the entire discussion like that?" He demanded, glaring at me. I sighed, already knowing that he would throw this question at me now or later.

"You were sleeping." I said, shrugging my shoulders. 

"You could have woken me up, Thea!" He yelled, his sudden outburst taking me by surprise. "And on top of that how did you decide you will be the one distracting? Without even asking me?" He added, his expression now turning to a hurt one.

"You have an habit of being too reckless, Sunghoon. Heeseung has told me enough." I defended myself, slightly getting frustrated at seeing the male not being able to understand the logic behind my decision.

"So what? It's better if I do it because it's too—" He began again, but before he could finish his sentence I cut him off, standing up from the couch to come up to his eye level.

"I know it's dangerous but it can be fatal if you make one single mistake, you idiot! I was almost awake the entire night thinking about this— do I look that dumb?!" I snapped at him while he just stood there dumbfounded. "I know you too well at this point— and I really don't want to see you in some stupid hospital again and that's it." I added before walking away from there to the balcony to get some fresh air, leaving him alone in the living room.


I was sitting on the floor in the balcony, my back pressed again the wall while I stared at the clouds in the blue sky, trying to gather myself together after the small fight with Sunghoon.

Soon after ten minutes or so the said male entered and quietly sat beside me, fiddling with his fingers which clearly meant he was nervous.

"I'm sorry." He muttered, turning his head around to look at me. "I really shouldn't have— wait, are you crying?!" He almost exclaimed aloud in surprise, staring at my face. I touched my cheeks and realised tears had made their way own my face, about which I had clearly no idea.

"Nope, I'm not. My eyes are sweating." I muttered, quickly wiping my tears away and kicking myself internally for being overwhelmed with emotions at the worst time possible.

"That's the lamest reply I have ever seen." Sunghoon said, rolling his eyes into another dimension. "At least you could have said something went in your eye." He added, shrugging his shoulders. I chuckled at his response while wiping away the newly formed tears.

Oh God, I think I'm malfunctioning.

"Screw you." I mumbled, trying to decide whether to be mad at him or just laugh at his annoying statements.

"Come here—" He said softly, pulling me into a warm hug. "I'm really sorry if I hurt you in any way. I was just a bit upset at seeing you guys exclude me like that." He stated, running his slender fingers through my hair while I just sat there quietly, my arms wrapped around him.

"It's not your fault, Sunghoon. I haven't been myself lately— my emotions are just all over the place." I said, my voice slightly muffled due to his t-shirt. "I shouldn't have yelled." I added, feeling a pang of guilt within me.

"It's completely alright. Don't worry." He muttered, holding me tighter than before. I stayed there in his arms comfortably, his scent surprisingly helping me relax.

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