36 | mini high school reunion

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Sunghoon's POV

After going to Jake's hospital in an ambulance, we had finally switched to his car in the parking lot in which we were supposed to go back to Thea's house. Jayoung couldn't accompany us, but she sure did left plenty of instructions to me and Thea on how we should take care of Heeseung, with the said male assuring his nurse that he will be fine.

Talk about me getting sick after seeing Heeseung behave like that around his nurse unlike my fellow partner who thought it was really cute.

Like geez, would it kill him to talk so sweetly with me unlike how he just spits insults at me as if I'm a piece of trash bag? 

I swear— life is so unfair, reality shows could never.

"So," Thea spoke up from the front seat, breaking the silence in the car. When we were swapping our vehicles, Thea had called dibs on the front seat beside the driver's, which meant I was stuck in the backseat along with Heeseung. "How did you guys meet?" She asked, turning her head around to look at Jake and then at us.

"We went to high school together." I replied, earning a hum in response from the male driving the car.

"The amount of headache you two used to give me being my juniors was tremendous." Heeseung piped up, earning a yell in protest from me and Jake which made Thea burst out into peals of laughter.

"Please— you were the most absent minded, if you ask me." I retorted, targeting the older. "Remember the time you lent one of your textbooks to someone and then almost ended up yelling at us thinking that we were pulling a prank on you by stealing your textbook?" I reminded him, the scene still fresh in my mind. Jake burst out laughing as he nodded, agreeing with me.

"I thought I was going to get murdered that day." He said, looking at both of us through the rear-view mirror. 

"Seriously?! And I thought Heeseung was quiet." Thea remarked, laughter still pouring out of her mouth uncontrollably.

"He is definitely not." Jake stated, shaking his head while he continued to drive us to Thea's house. Heeseung began saying something in protest when my phone vibrated, indicating I had received a message. I fished out my phone from my pocket and realised Thea was texting me. 

I rolled my eyes and put my phone back down, just to be smacked on my knee by the female. I furrowed my eyebrows and looked at her through the side-view mirror, only to see her glaring at me. Blowing out a puff of air, I unlocked my phone and read her messages.

The person to be ignored:

tf why r u texting me

The person to be ignored:
because i cant say it out loud u dipshit

ugh fine

what do u want? a bubblegum? my brain to eat?

The person to be ignored:

The person to be ignored:
why does your friend look so hot while driving

The person to be ignored:
im literally simping for him

u texted me to say this?!

thea wtf

The person to be ignored:
is he single? i think im going to ask him out

no he has a gf

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