27 | two old grandpas

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Sunghoon's POV

"That's a good plan if you ask me." Thea said, agreeing to detailed plan I had told them. We three were seated in a secluded cabin, discussing how me and Thea should go ahead without Brandon and Mr. Anderson getting to know that they are already exposed.

"I couldn't come up with anything better than this." I said, shrugging my shoulders and looking at Thea. She hummed in response, nodding.

"We have to anyways book flight tickets for tonight to go back." I stated, letting out a small sigh. Jay nodded, standing up from his seat. He was about to say something when Thea's phone started ringing, breaking the short silence which has filled the room after the conversation.

She quickly fished out her phone from her pocket and accepted the call, placing it beside her ear.

"Heeseung!" She suddenly exclaimed, standing up from her seat. My eyes widened as I stood up right after, my heart beating insanely fast while wondering what had happened.

"Are you alright?" She asked, calming down a bit perhaps after hearing his voice. She glanced at me, waving her hand in the air and indicating that everything was fine. "Yes, we got to know that sometime back." She added, nodding to herself.

"Act? What about the nurse and the doctor?" She popped up a question after a few seconds, my eyebrows furrowing upon hearing only her side of the conversation. "Okay, alright. Tell her to just do her job, we'll be back by tomorrow." She added, her voice a lot calm and composed from when she had picked up the call.

"We are alright, don't worry. I'm glad you made it." She said, a soft smile adorning her face. She kept her phone down, letting out a relieved sigh just after it.

"What happened?" I asked as soon as she met my eyes.

"He regained his conscious a few hours back and called me after he explained the nurse who was taking care of him to be quiet of him being alright again, in case Brandon or Mr. Anderson get ears about it and decide to do something." She explained, looking at me and then at Jay. I celebrated internally after hearing this, also promising myself that I would smack my friend for getting me all worried about him like that.

"She's co-operating?" Jay asked, curious. Thea nodded, looking at him.

"She was the one who was holding phone for him right now. We need to get back fast so that we can bust him out of the hospital." She said, pocketing her phone. I cracked my knuckles, thinking about the series of events which would probably take place next.

We are about to witness some juicy action.


"That gorgeous body! Those perfect dips, oh god!"

Now, if I had heard these exclamations from Thea's mouth over a phone call, or somehow without seeing what actually is going on, I would have actually thought she is drooling over a half naked man. Or an anime character, if not that.

But nope, that's probably never going to happen considering the fact that it was Thea we were talking about.

"This car is amazing!" Thea shouted, hugging the hood of the sports car like it's some huge teddy bear her parents have gifted her. I pinched my nose bridge while letting out an exasperated sigh. Jay on the other hand was busy laughing at the sight of seeing the adult female fangirling over a car.

We were out here in the parking lot since Jay had declared that a few new cars had arrived yesterday for the agents in case they need it. Thea, without any moment to waste, had rushed to the parking lot to have a view of those new cars.

"Still the same, swooning over cars." Jay muttered, shaking his head at himself while Thea continued to yell praises from a distance.

"You two are very close?" I asked, looking at him. He nodded, shrugging his shoulders.

"You can say that. I worked with her when she was probably in her weakest state; after the death of her best friend." He said, glancing at me and then looking down at the floor. I looked ahead at Thea and saw her finally sitting inside the car, her eyes going slightly wide as she looked around and tried out every feature.

"She was pretty close to him." I stated, nodding.

"Very." Jay said, agreeing with me. "I just tried to fill that place, that's all. Though I knew I never would be able to." He added, looking at me and smiling softly. I nodded, slightly at awe after knowing how warm he was, though he looked pretty scary from outside as if he wouldn't hesitate to punch me in the face if I accidently stepped on his shoe.

Well, it's not that Thea looked less scary either. But the only thing was that she would actually punch me in the face if I stepped on her shoe, unlike her friend here.

"So you both see each other as best friends?" I confirmed, wondering whether I had understood it right.

"Yep. Best friends." He said, his eyebrow slightly arching up as he looked at me. "You look very interested." He stated, his smile now turning into a smirk. I coughed abruptly, shaking my head in denial.

"Oh no, no. I was just confirming." I argued, cursing at myself internally for being such a suspicious asshole.

"Confirming that if she has someone who likes her?" He asked, now wiggling his eyebrows. I choked on air at his statement and began coughing my lungs out, causing the male to crack up at my reaction. He patted my back, trying to help me stop coughing and fortunately, it seemed to work.

"What did you two do now?" I heard Thea ask as she walked up towards us with a smile lingering on her face, probably wondering what was going on.

"Well, you know—" Jay began, but I quickly covered his mouth with my hand, muffling the rest of his sentence.

"We were saying that you looked like a kid when you were fangirling over the car." I quickly said, grinning at her direction. Jay stopped pulling at my hand and slapped his forehead at my answer. Thea looked at us both suspiciously, but then decided to just go with what I was saying.

"And you both look like two old grandpas seeing your grandchildren play."

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