56 | second home

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Sunghoon's POV

"So you both were anyways going to go with your plan even if I hadn't swapped places with Thea?" I asked to the pair in sitting in front of me. Heeseung nodded in response, while Thea just yawned, adjusting her injured hand which was in a wrapped in a cast.

We were back at Thea's house after a small visit from the hospital. Since both of us were too tired to stay back and decide what we were supposed to do next with our new prisoners, Jay offered that he would handle it along with Yonghwa and Mr. Brown.

Jayoung and Jake unfortunately had to leave since they had their own work to take care of, but the former had promised us that she would come back to have dinner with us.

"You both would have got captured either way." He stated, shrugging his shoulders. "The plan we told you was complete crap, to be honest." He added, giving a look to Thea which clearly meant 'you-are-lucky-I-didn't-decide-to-kill-you-after-hearing-that-bullshit'. She just rolled her eyes at the older and gently pushed his shoulder in protest.

"We got out alive. What else do you want?" Thea retorted, making me burst out into peals of laughter while Heeseung just sat there, staring at her as if she had just declared that the aliens were opening a brand new clothing store on earth.

"I can see that your boyfriend is rubbing off on you." Heeseung muttered not-so-quietly, loud enough for the two of us to hear. Thea chuckled, shaking her head at his statement.

"What can I do? My fate wants me to date this idiot." She replied much to my annoyance. I let out a yell in protest, hitting her with the pillow which I had in my hand.

"And I have to date a bubble-gum addict." I retorted, sticking out my tongue to tease her. Her smile disappeared in a second, only to get replaced by a small frown.

"What's so bad with being addicted to it, huh? At least I'm not much of a pain in the ass like you." She snapped, slightly pissed off. Heeseung let out an exasperated sigh, pinching his nose bridge.

"Guys, stop. It's been barely four hours since you both started dating—" He began, but unfortunately I was too immersed in the argument to hear him out completely.

"But she's insulting me as if I'm a pair of old shoes!" I protested, glaring at Thea.

If a glare could stab someone, she would have been ripped into pieces by now.

"Don't insult the entire species of shoes like that— you are much worse." She muttered, squinting her eyes at me and showing me her fist which was her causal way to say 'shut-up-or-begone'.

"Says the person who already is worse than a flying cockroach." I stated, rolling my eyes and pushing down her fist which was dangerously placed in front of my face.

"Your arrogance makes me sick!"

"Yeah? And your funky hair makes me wanna claw my eyes out!"

"Don't you dare Dipshit—"

"I just did. What are you going to do about it?"

"Enough!" Heeseung yelled, pushing both of us apart moments away things got bloody. "For fuck's sake, stop behaving like small kids." He added, his face clearly telling us he was sick and tired of pulling us both away from each other in an argument.

Thea cursed under her breath and stood up, leaving the room. I sighed, letting my upper body fall on the mattress of the bed with my front side facing the ceiling.

"So?" He spoke up, raising his eyebrow questioningly at me.

"Life sucks." I answered, followed by the older letting out another sigh of sheer frustration.

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