42 | desolate times

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Sunghoon's POV

"Oh god, this is really, really, really bad." Thea said as soon as I had finished narrating my near face to face encounter with Jessica. "What if they have found out our location?" She asked, clearly panicking. I knew the news must have really hit hard, since it was pretty rare to see her actually freak out about something unlike her usual easy-going self.

"There's no way they can find us. There are around millions of people in this city and they don't even have any record of this house." Heeseung said, trying to assure the female. Thea nodded, perhaps understanding the logic behind his statement.

"Maybe she was just passing by. Who knows?" I suggested, shrugging my shoulders. Heeseung hummed in response, agreeing to my argument. 

"I'll be right outside." Thea excused herself and walked out of the room, leaving us both alone.

"There's no way we can do this alone, Sunghoon. We are only three people against the entire agency." Heeseung said after a few seconds, crestfallen. I sighed when suddenly an idea came across my mind.

"But it's not like everyone's bad, right? Maybe if we tell everyone with proof that Brandon, Anderson and all those agents have bad intentions, the others will come on our side." I suggested, seeing a sudden ray of hope in this dark times.

"That's a good idea but it needs some polishing— you go talk to Thea about this while I see what I can do in the meantime." He said, taking back the laptop and keeping it on his lap to work on it. I nodded as I stood up to leave.

I walked out of the room and saw Thea sitting on the couch with her head laid back, staring at the ceiling.

"What are you staring at?" I asked her, following her gaze to see if there was any interesting to look at but obviously, all I saw was the white ceiling.

"Shut up." Thea mumbled, sinking down into the sofa further with a sigh. I sat down beside her, knowing that something was off.

"What's wrong?" I asked, slightly curious because it was surprising to see her sit silently.

Either she would be yakking away or hurling insults at me, but holy shit— seeing her like this without saying anything actually made me worry.

"Everything's wrong." She mumbled, staring at the floor in a distance.

"Oh come on— don't be so sulky." I said, pushing her shoulder gently and trying to cheer her up. She took in a deep breath and sat up straight, shaking her head slowly.

"I'm just a bit worried, that's it. If we do one false move, all of us will get caught and then only Lord knows what will happen after that." She said, looking up at me to see my reaction to this. I nodded, silence filling the atmosphere as both of us were lost in our own thoughts, trying to find a way out of this.

I saw her rest her chin on the palm of her hand, her elbows propped up on her knee while she continued to remain silent. Sighing, I shifted a bit and stretched out my hand towards her.

"Come here." I said softly, placing my hand on her shoulder and pulling it gently towards me.

I had expected her to probably resist and then argue saying she was alright and didn't need anyone else to be there to be with her but to my surprise, she scooted closer towards me, leaning back and resting her head on my shoulder, near my collar bone.

I wrapped my arms around her as we sat there in comfortable silence, her tensed muscles relaxing after sometime against my body.

"I had an idea a while back when I was talking to Heeseung." I spoke up, making her turn her head around, her doe eyes staring right into mine.

"What?" She asked, curious.

"I was saying that maybe if we present a solid proof that Brandon and Anderson, along with the other few agents actually have bad intentions and are framing us, we can get the good agents on our side." I explained it to her when suddenly she let out an fairly audible gasp, followed by giving me a bone crushing hug.

And trust me, I'm not exaggerating. If she had held me tighter, my rib cage would have just collapsed.

Or maybe I'm exaggerating a bit— but not that I'm complaining about her reaction though.

"That's it! Oh my god, that's it!" She exclaimed excitedly, quickly standing up on her feet with a newfound hope in her eyes. "Sunghoon, I just love your fucking brain." She announced, doing a dramatic chef's kiss at my direction.

Meanwhile I just sat there frozen, thinking what in the fucking world had happened suddenly to her and what was she thinking which made her act like this.

"Uh— thanks, I guess?" I said, not really sure how to respond to the compliment. She nodded and walked away, leaving me alone on the couch.

Thea's POV

"Did you call Jayoung?" Heeseung asked me as soon as I entered the room. I shook my head, picking my phone off the bed and calling the said person.

"She isn't picking up." I said, slightly confused since it had never happened that I had called and Jayoung didn't pick up.

"No one knows about her connection with us, right?" Heeseung asked, slightly worried.

To be honest, he had a point. As far as I had got to know how far Brandon and all the people he was working with could go just to get their hands on us, it wouldn't be surprising if they use Jayoung for the same.

"Answer me, Thea." Heeseung spoke up again, now clearly impatient. I shook my head, trying to think positive.

"I don't think so." I said, trying to assure the male though his question had wavered my confidence. Heeseung started at my face for sometime, trying to read my expression. He had just opened his mouth to say something when my phone started ringing, cutting him off.

"It's Jayoung." I told him after looking at the caller ID. "Hello?" I spoke into the phone as soon as I accepted the call.

"I'm so sorry I didn't pick up there was an emergency in the hospital so I had to attend to that." She said, her voice clearly giving away that she was feeling guilty, perhaps knowing that at times like this even missing a simple phone call can make others worry.

"Yeah, don't worry— I got it." I said, assuring her so that she wouldn't feel bad about it further.

"Why did you call me, though? Is it something important?" She asked, curious.

"About that— actually all I wanted to say is don't come over from today. It's too dangerous for you."

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