39 | knowing each other

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Don't forget to play the song while reading!

Sunghoon's POV

"What is Jayoung doing here?" I whispered in Thea's ear, both of us standing near the door as Jayoung spoke to Heeseung asking him if he was facing any difficulty as such regarding his health.

"To check on your friend." She whispered back while looking at front, her smile giving away that she was clearly amused at seeing me so confused about the entire situation.

"How did she get the address?" I asked her again, my voice barely audible. Thea pointed at herself and turned her face around to look at me. I facepalmed, shaking my head at her behaviour.

If we get caught and end up dying, I'm going to blame Thea after reaching heaven.

"We'll be outside." Thea said, looking at the pair in front of us with a wide grin on her face. Jayoung nodded politely, while Heeseung just stared at Thea like a deer caught in headlights. Without wasting any time, the Miss Blue Hair grabbed my hand and yanked me out of the room, closing the door behind us but leaving it slightly ajar.

"You talk too much." Thea whisper-shouted, her glare drilling holes into me. I furrowed my eyebrows at her, feeling slightly lost as to what the hell was going on but also frustrated for the same reason.

"I wouldn't if you decided to spend tiny bit of your precious energy to tell me what the fuck is going on." I retorted, my voice in a hushed tone. Thea facepalmed, shaking her head at my reply and started to walk away towards the kitchen. Confused, I followed her into the kitchen and stood beside her while she opened the door of the fridge and took out two cans of coke.

"Drink this and think about it." She said, turning around and handing me one.


"Oh, so they like each other?" I asked as realisation dawned upon me. Both of us were standing in the apartment's balcony while drinking the cold caffeinated drink from the container. She hummed in response, patting my shoulder proudly as if I had figured out another planet where humans could thrive apart from the earth.

"Maybe something sparked off when we were in Japan, who knows?" Thea suggested, shrugging her shoulders casually. Wind blew in our face as we stared out watching the beauty of the nightlife of the city. Somehow it felt very soothing an calm, even though we still had a lot to do.

I would be lying if I don't say I didn't miss this feeling all this time.

I looked to my side and saw Thea looking at the different lights, some of her hair which had come loose from her ponytail flying into her face but not enough to disturb her.

"It feels very calming, doesn't it? Just standing here, looking out admiring everything which one's eye could see." Thea spoke up, breaking the comfortable silence. I nodded, completely agreeing with her. 

She was right. Our jobs may seem very exciting and thrilling but at some point it feels too overwhelming. You may forget what boredom is, but you also might end up missing the feeling of just standing there and watching the world go on with it's job, without worrying that if you be a bit slow, there's a chance you may end up loosing your life.

"I can get used to this someday." I admitted, letting out a deep sigh and trying to calm my nerves as much I can. Thea chuckled, shifting closer to me and then bumping her shoulder with mine.

"Look who is talking like a grandpa." She teased me while I looked down at the can in my hand, laughing along with her.

"Shut up, grandma." I retorted playfully, shaking my head at her childish comment. Silence filled the atmosphere as we just stood there watching the scene in front of us, enjoying it. Since wind was blowing past us, it was slightly colder than the actual temperature but not cold enough to make anyone uncomfortable.

I felt a bit of warmth on my left side since both of us were standing pretty close to each other, almost shoulder to shoulder. Somehow it felt soothing, as someone would feel after drinking a hot cup of coffee on a very cold day.

"Thank you." Thea spoke up after a few minutes, breaking the comfortable  silence. I turned my head around and looked at her, slightly confused as to why she was thanking me. She smiled, perhaps reading my thoughts with the help of my expression. "You know, for just being there with me when I was telling you about Eugene." She added, explaining the reason.

"You would have done that too if it was me." I told her, knowing that she would have readily taken my place if we went back in time and decide to switch our roles. She hummed in response, nodding slowly.

"It's his birthday today." Thea said, looking down at her hands which were holding the empty can while her elbows supported her upper body weight against the balcony railing just like mine. "Usually I just spend this day alone, remembering the crazy and stupid things we did. But I'm glad that today is not like that." She said, a warm smile adorning her face.

A small smile automatically crept up on my face. I knew that though it was just a small 'thank you', she had really meant it from the core of her heart.

"You must miss him a lot." I stated, looking at her face intently to see her reaction.

"I do. I'm pretty sure he would kick my ass if he heard this." Thea joked, bursting out laughing at her own statement. "You two might have got along really well, you know? Maybe even plan together to bully me." She added, making me laugh at her imagination of being a victim of being teased endlessly.

"That seems fun. What else did you guys do?" I asked her, knowing that she would be more than happy to share her memories with me.

Honestly, that was the least I could do to help her from feeling lonely.

Fortunately, I was right. For the next fifteen minutes she happily told me many funny instances which had taken place in past, each one making us crack up at the end of it. I realised that both of them treated each other practically like siblings, along with the fact that even their families were close friends due to their close friendship.

Soon after we decided to go in since it was becoming too chilly outside. Thea quickly went in first because it was time for Jayoung to go back, leaving me alone on the balcony.

I smiled to myself, recalling our conversation wherein for the first time, I had seen her share her true feelings and enjoy something so much to such an extent that she was smiling and laughing the entire time.

God help me, I think I have fallen for her.

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